@kylebeaudette Really beautiful stuff! And super fun to see your work evolve
If you're still exploring the digital route, you should really check out Krita, which is open source and free and ships with great default brushes. The default watercolor brushes are already pretty awesome, and I'm sure you could find artists sharing their custom Krita brushes as well if you'd like to explore more. People in the FOSS (free open source software) community tend to share a lot of stuff very freely.
I don't do digital watercolor style myself, but I've seen people do very neat watercolor-esque stuff in Krita.
You can see the Krita brushes in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UW8n0vShzU
And this guy is painting beautiful watercolor paintings in Krita with a mouse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6xoiXCaCKY
Another suggestion is also exploring doing texture overlays on your digital pieces to give it the "grainy watercolour paper" feel - easily achievable in Krita with the Fill tool (using patterns) and Layer blend modes (Soft Light usually works great). Krita already comes with an extensive default set of textures that work well for this.