@Jeremiahbrown haha nice! I like how you left it up to line work! And thank you for the compliment
I was hesitant to pretty much cover my characters but I too love how it turned out.
@Jeremiahbrown Extraordinary!
@Johanna-Kim Wrong place for my WIP, Thanks Johanna.
@Jeremiahbrown Really nice work, like your perspective and painting style.
@Asyas_illos A great storm image. I misunderstood your meaning about your plane, I thought you meant you would anthropomorphise that!
Storm rescue! I'd originally just wanted to create a picture with these little leafy creatures enjoying a fun ride on the wind. But to make more of a story I added a bit of drama with a squirrel hot air ballooner needing rescuing from the storm, while keeping these fun loving little leaves as the rescuers' helpers.
@Asyas_illos I'm in love!!!!
@frankiiij thank you and im glad you seized the moment with my wrong vision of your rough sketch lol it came out great!
@chrisaakins I love the mood you set in this one
@Jeremiahbrown Love the energy! I feel like I am there.
@chloekrog Welcome first time entry!!! I really like the old man's expression!