WIP Superhero Challenge
@kayleenartlover she is very cute and engaging. I also like the palette you are planning. Are you going to include a bee? Is she a human/human-sized, or bee-sized?
@jenn I'm going to include lots of bees. Since she has to be a human, I decided she is a kid who can talk to bees and I'm still debating if she can fly or if she needs bees to help her fly. At the moment I'm thinking flying is easier, so I gave her a cape to make that ability noticeable.
This is still obviously unfinished, (I plan on using different colors for the facial features,) but I was playing around with adding details to the suit and I’m wondering what else I should do as far as rendering. I want to keep it simple, but is there something I should, like for the hair?
A ) Don't forget about the close-up of the face.B ) I love how well the silhouettes read. The only one I'm not sure what she's doing is bottom left. Is she interacting shyly with a bee that will fly around her?
The expression is great on the initial sketch post. Could that one be blown up for the close-up?
@kayleenartlover shes so sweet!
All that’s left is to figure out what to add to the hair for the buns to be more noticeable, and then some bees to where I drew some faded golden shapes.
Critiques are welcome, before I submit my artwork to Critique Arena. I really want this to be the best it can be!