Cover Homage to Incredible Hulk 181 - Fallout Fun
The "omg, I quit my career" week 1 is complete and I finished my first art project. It's an homage to one of the most famous comic books in our history (first appearance of Wolverine) but I thought it'd be fun to use characters from my current video game, Fallout 76. Yes, I'm a huge nerd
I kept wanting to add more details and polish but Jake's mantra finally resonated with me - this art is not perfect, but it's finished!
Big thank you to Herb Trimp (RIP) for the original 1974 cover, and Yildiray Cinar for the Turkish 2020 cover variant - amazing inspirations that I've learned much from.
@Mewie looks like you're off to a good start!
@kirsten-mcg thank you - Excited for Week 2!
@Mewie Way to go! I left my corporate job back in April to freelance full-time. Starting to find my footing now with some contracts and lined up for 2023
it is a wild ride but I think it's gonna be a great ride!
@ArtMelC so awesome to hear about your transition and momentum!
Subscribed to your newsletter and looking to learn from you - you're inspiring!