SVS Virtual Studio MARCH 2023
@jenn it looks very promising! Can imagine the horrified look of the parent when walking into that scene. Great you picked it up again.
@agathe Hi! I am in Turin, about two hours from the border. For the illo, my suggestions are by no means obligatory, but since I spend most of the past year working on storytelling, I thought I would offer something from what I've learned. For me, storytelling is one of the trickiest parts!
@NickyDrew It's such a struggle trying to figure out how far to take each element stylistically! I did go back and rework Hansel's face, then deleted most of it and ended up with a little more volume. I probably end up spending more time on cartoony faces than I do on more realistic ones! Draw, delete, draw, delete, hmm, there's something I like. I wonder why? Eh, just go with it! Etc.
@crispalomino Such sympathetic expressions!
@jenn Just wanna say good to see you back here! It's looking great.
@LauraA thank you very much.
@crispalomino This is so adorable- I love how expressive your characters are!
@LauraA Ha yep that's definitely a struggle! I think I spend more time erasing than drawing too!
@ArtMelC Thank you for your encouraging words
@crispalomino I did not know about that! I think that could come in very handy…
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Hands are hard and I’m all up for anything that can make it easier. Thanks!!
@LauraA I love the classic feel of these illustrations! Well done!
@Mimi-Simon This looks so cool! Would love to see it when it's finished.
@Chantal-Goetheer thanks so much for the feedback
@skeletortoise i'll post it though it may not be till the April thread.
@Blitz55 wow! Sounds like I've been missing out! I've always wanted to start figure drawing, but haven't made it a priority, but this really motivated me to try to find somewhere to do it soon! I definitely think that learning to really observe something and draw it in using what you see instead of what you picture in your head is an incredible skill to develop. I've always noticed that I have a much easier time drawing from photos, and I think that is because the image is already 'flattened' and framed for me and I don't have to really understand how it sits in space--which is not necessarily a good thing.
Anyways, thank you for the motivation I will try to find a figure drawing class soon!
@LauraA I agree, story telling is quite difficult, and I often find myself drawing stills, or characters that are not really located in space instead of an image that really tells a story, and I want to work on changing that so thank you!
@NickyDrew thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Yeah, I agree, tools can be wonderful.
@agathe Yeah, I hope you find some place around you that has a regular group.
It's so worth it.
@MiaNova Hey
We haven't met -so Hi!!! I am Heather
Really love all your roughs and process. Lots of exuberant energy and creativity! Your ability to create expressive gesture and clear emotion in her face really caught my eye to reply.