Update: Treehouse WIP Witch one works better?
Its nice to join in the fun and see all the lovely 'Treehouse' artwork here. Now I wanted to make a big treehouse, bit I think I laks Storytelling. So Ive started over . Now I wonder witch comp. works better? Let me know what you think.
i vote for the 3rd one!
its smith different
I agree with aska. I'd love to see a more detailed/colored version of that one!
Love the versions with the message bottles!! I would go for number 3, maybe trying to have it as a landscape format rather than square.
I like 3, so great! Love the bottles and the boat, great story telling!
I echo everyone else on 3.
I love the first one as an illustration. But the third one has a clearer story to it. Love the bottles.
I like 3 but 2 could work very well with a good lighting plan
The third is the best, but I find the foreground very empty....maybe a big bottle in the foreground?
3rd gets my vote
@smceccarelli Good suggestion Simona, thank you!
@aska @Dennis-Spaans @Doha @lmrush @rcartwright @tombarrettillo Thank you for getting me back on track! @smceccarelli Good Suggestion, Ill try that! @Jose-Ramos Thanks for suggesting the comp. Il give it a push!
I also like 3 the best. Love the fishing and bottles
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Thank you! Is it clear that he is the one putting 'help' bottles in the water?
@Leontine It looks like he is fishing for them, so other way. But this way story is also cool.
@aska Thank you, perhaps Ill change it a bit, so it wil be clearer.
how about this?
@Leontine, I agree with everyone about #3
I like the original version better than the modified one.. Even with the bottles on the rod, it looks like he is fishing them (and it looks a little odd). I think the problem is that if he wanted to put them in the water, he would just throw them... I think the story is really good if he is fishing for the bottles, but if you want him to be the one who put them there, then I would get rid of the fishing rod completely and just have him throw a bottle out of the window.
@Leontine This does read as the character sending the bottles out. Cool concept. Maybe keeping the bottles on a trawling line increases his chance of getting help (if that's his intent). Does he need help because his boat is broken? If so could the boat come to the foreground and maybe have a smoky motor? Your art really has some cool story possibilities.
@smithdraws Thank you! The Idea was, 'the guy ' was shipwrecked and got stuck there. He has used part of his boat to make himself a house, but as time passes, the island is getting smaller and smaller... or perhaps he really wanted to stay, at first, but he gets lonely and decides to try and call for help ?