SVS Inktober Thread
@Sharon-Sordo Keep em coming, all are great!
I thought of the pun of Shawshark Redemption, but didn't know what to draw, so I tried to capture this in shark form...
@Ace-Connell hahah! Very good interpretation!
Day 17
And 18 - Finally finished inking that Saint Seiya fanart.
Wow so much wonderful work and more to come too. This is my first Inktober and I'm arriving at the party late and I have only one inkingy thing but here it is.
Happy Inktober
@joyce_carmo Hahah thanks
Yours reminds me of if the first episode of Smallville went very wrong lol.
@Ace-Connell you know what, I kinda saw that coming, hahaha!
It was a bad day for me and it slipped onto the paper.For Inktober 19th I made and attempt to come with a temple design for my personal project, but my arm got sore in the middle and I had to give up. Having an injury right in the middle of Inktober is the worst!
@joyce_carmo Oh it an art related injury?
@shinjifujioka yes, it is, unfortunately. I've been feeling a lot of pain in my drawing arm since a month ago. I went to see a doc and they said that I should take a few days off because my muscles are inflamed. I've been taking a few meds and resting, that's why my Inktober got all messed up
@joyce_carmo Sorry to hear that. That's no fun. My hand has been bothering me lately as well, so I've tried to be somewhat conservative with my drawing time and I'll take frequent breaks.
I hope your arm gets 100% soon!
@shinjifujioka thanks! I should have been more aware of the time I was spending studying in the computer and traditionally everyday. As I'm not working at any office right now, I kinda overdid it. You're totally right in being conservative. When we give ourselves time to rest, odds are that we won't develop major problems in such a short span as I did. ^^"
One thing I think helps a lot is to work using the Pomodoro Technique. This way I can focus only on the work for some time, than rest and take it easy afterwards. It helps in being productive and careful about our health.
Day 20. Steven Universe
I'm still trying, hehehe. Day 21, a little bit late.
Since I miss @Ace-Connell's bad puns, I made one myself!
Maybe I need to stop watching Gargoyles.
@joyce_carmo Haha awesome! I've got to upload the past couple of days... but unfortunately there are NO puns! Sharkwing Duck maybe... I dunno, I think the puns have broken me!
I haven't done anything for a while...
practising my lines for inktober
@Ace-Connell hahaha! I'm looking forward to Sharkwing Duck!
@audrey-dowling very beautiful linework and textures! I loved it! And I also love the Art Nouveau reference.Day 23, and I'm back to mice. Another side character for my personal project.
thanks @joyce_carmo !
I've been away, but here are my submissions for days 24-26.
I'm still going! Have been drawing magical girls from an anime called Puella Magi Madoka Magica these past days. Here goes days 27-29.
I messed up her foot really bad!
@joyce_carmo nice Joyce! well done!