Where Are You From?
Charlotte, NC
Barrington, RI
Looks like some of you are quite close to one another! Maybe that could be something to look in to. Lol. Even if you don't meet in person starting a conversation online could be worth it.
@artwithashley, or anyone else close, you should totally go visit the SVS studio if they would let you!! That would be great!
Schenectady, New York (near Albany).
@lmrush used to live quite close by before her recent move... we got to meet up a few times though, which was fun.
I am in New York City. It would be great to have regional meetups.
I did this quick editable map.
Everybody can add a marker of their city. You can rename your marker as your forum name. I marked mine (didn't put exact street address just the city, so don't think I live in City Hall). -
@nasvikdraws great idea!
@kaitlinmakes Lol! I sat here for a few minutes contemplating the network challenge of connecting with another artist and I say, I am physically nauseous. Lol. Why is it so hard?!
I’m south of Folsom in Ione. I would’ve said Ione in my earlier post but no one ever knows where that is. -
@burvantill I hear you - but I am also so excited to have someone who lives so close driven by the same passion!
I haven't been through Lone - but I have been through Folsom, and they have that awesome zoo that would be great for a sketch day - or there's always The Crocker. Let me know - I would definitely be so down to talk shop with you. -
@nasvikdraws this is so awesome
@nasvikdraws DUDE!!! This is so cool! What a great feature.
@kaitlinmakes lol! It’s ione not Lone. Between Jackson and Folsom. No worries. Everyone one does that when I type it. The upper case I and lower case l issue
. I love the folsom zoo. I have always wanted to just go and sketch animals but never have gone by myself so I could zone out. Would that be interesting to you?
@nasvikdraws Even if this doesn't help with networking, it's helping my geography. Thanks.
Charlottesville, VA
Stockholm, Sweden
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
I'm from Greece, my hometown is called Korinthos. Quite close to the capital.
Grew up in Sydney Australia, currently living in Armidale NSW (country town 6 hours north of Sydney)
Prineville, Oregon. Pretty much the center of the state.
@jason-kilthau Les Schwab country. I spent the better part of my childhood in John Day/Canyon City.