Finally found some time to actually draw something for a SVS contest and extended my Inktober.
Here is my entry for Misunderstood Monster. This was such a fun prompt! The artwork here is so amazing!
First post
. Hope it’s okay that this is one of my Inktober pieces, but I think it fits the prompt well.
@adrian-k I wish that I could up vote this several more times. =)x If you make a print of this let me know.
And now for something completely different, heh heh...
Late Night Milkings: Those individuals who have an extra strong imagination
"I am not a cupcake!"
Misunderstood Monster by @JonAnderson
Whew! Linework done with ballpoint pen then colored in PS.
Hello, everyone!
Here my take on Misunderstood Monster. Thanks -
This one started in ink and was finished on the computer. This is kiddos giving emotional support to Dracula. Happy Halloween everybody!
@art-of-b Sooo clever! I love the expressions and giggled when I read the papers on the poster. Great job!
Ever since Frank started up book club, the tantalizing story book endings brought about many heated discussions. Next month's book is "The Count of Monte Cristo," thoughtfully chosen by Dracula.
"Forgotten Guardian" - This legendary beast hasn't shown itself in a hundred years, the rituals abandoned. The modern townsfolk are a dash alarmed at its sudden appearance.
I drew this a while ago, not this month, sorry. My monster is friends with the kid in a Beetlejuice kinda way. -
Hello, everyone
Here is my submission of Misunderstood Monster. Happy halloween -
I deleted my entry and submitting a different version based on the votes I got for a different thread.
Frank´s not matching body parts always makes his palm reading very confusing..
Mandy Forte
@mlfforte -
Sometimes Monster want to be a Astronaut, Scientist or maybe, Writer ...
My Monster-Dreamer))