Tools of the Trade or Beginner to Pro Setups
This topic seems to be a fairly common thread in the podcast series and I thought I would share this post by one of my favorite illustrators Jago Silver.
He shows the setup he started with when he began The Jesus Storybook Bible which launched his career and his current set up almost 13 years later!
It blows my mind how different everyone's setup is
I mean, everyone's got at least a computer, cintiq (or tablet) and a screen for the most part but there's so many different little combos. There's no defined setup for digital artists.
Thanks for the share! I always get a kick out of other people's setups.
@Braden-Hallett you should start a thread. Show pictures of everyone’s studio setups. That would be fun. And maybe helpful. I have a sign on my “art room” door that says Room of Requirement. I don’t think I need to say more.