I've been wanting to do something with a vintage postcard for a while and this seemed like a good fit. The family goes to the Oasis expecting an OASIS. -
These two zombie love birds most have not watched any of shark week.
@burvantill I love, love the colours and style, great submission! The eyes peeping out are a great touch.
@burvantill ooo i like that you made it into a postcard very clever
@Aleksey @Erin-Cortese Thanx!!!
Hey! Great entries everyone
! @Chip-Valecek I would like to post my own artwork but Iām not really sure when is the deadline?
@MartaD I believe it's the last day of July. . . midnight maybe? But based on. . . Mountain Standard time? So you still have a day or two.
@Aleksey So clever!!!!
@lmrush thanks!
Summer's all about exploring the caves in the woods behind your house, but it can get a little tricky sometimes. I had started this in June but finished it up and recolored it for this months challenge.
@Kuarahy Thanks! I was affraid Iām late
hey guys! Iām so happy to be part of this awsome contest! Here is my entry: a meteor! Who could possibly see that coming?
@MartaD July 31st midnight. There really was never a midnight time zone. I usually pull all images early the next morning.
@Aleksey , I really enjoy this one, all the little details to check out
@Kat im glad
@Aleksey really love this one - so much to explore in the scene! Would make a great puzzle too
@MissMushy hmm havnt thought about that
@Aleksey you should! Add a few more tiny characters doing wacky things and it is one of those Wasgij puzzles for sure
@jakecrowe I really like the colour and style! I am in love with those flourecent green skeletons
Summer school, summer vacation gone wrong in the life of an adolescent. (Sorry for the repost, first was too large)