Here's my attempt
P.S. Sorry it's blowing up so big in the forum. Not sure how to fix it.
@MichaelaH oh thanks so much! I'm having problems with my e-mail so I didn't get it. Really appreciate you straightening that out for me!
It'll be challenging to make this one unique, I'm looking forward to the results!
A question: Does the image need to only be stark black and white? Or can there be gradients of gray? If I do it in ink, I am tempted to use an ink wash for value. But if that is against the rules, I'd like to know now.
I’m okay breaking should I say bending the rules if I Happy at the end. May not win. But I win when I am happy with it. I will probably possibly gradient mine - see how it goes.
@Kasey-Snow my first impression says gradients should be fine
The works everyone put out for September were incredible! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with for this one!
I just want to say that this and the last prompt are really helpful and fun. They provide a good story structure that I think will aid many in getting good pieces for their portfolio.
@Miriam Ah, gotcha. Seems like this one seems to not only sets the stage but also dictates a few of the characters as well.
Love your profile avatar, by the way!
@Heather-Boyd, You can do whatever you like. It's more likely to be favored by the judge(s) if it follows the rules closely, but—you never know.
Plus, the ultimate goal is to practice art and create portfolio pieces, so [insert a "follow your heart" sort of thing here ]. Do what works for you. I'm sure it will be fun for everyone to see—whatever you choose to do.
@juliekitzes, If anyone is having trouble seeing the whole image at once, they can click on the image (I like to open it in a new tab).
I like the way you created the contrast of light and dark areas, & the different textures. Nice job!
@zacharygephardt Ha ha, I love it
@juliekitzes Thank you!
@zacharygephardt lol this is hilarious
@DarleneAnico lol Thanks
Can I use black and white ink on toned paper? Purple paper, for instance?
@TwiggyT I don't see why not. It IS a black and white drawing and if you use ink I say you are just being creative.