OCTOBER CONTEST: The experiment worked! Penny was so relieved to have her dog back from the dead.
If it looks like a dog and it feels like a dog, is it really a dog?
@Neha-Rawat This is fabulous!
These are all looking so great! Love the ink focus - really a cool aesthetic to see so many inked pieces. Here's my entry:
@jdubz THis looks so good! I am glad you went back in with the digital and tweaked it. Great job on the expression of the girl. I can hear her maniacal laugh!
It's fun seeing everyone's take on such a specific prompt. Lot's of drama! Love it.
@jdubz another fantastic entry!
@Jellen said in OCTOBER CONTEST: The experiment worked! Penny was so relieved to have her dog back from the dead.:
The experiment worked! Penny was so relieved to have her dog back from the dead. She had never dabbled in necromancy, but her grandmother had a great recipe.
great job!
My interpretation. Tons of fun doing this and I love seeing everyone else’s take!
Worm added was great! As a creepy crawler from the earth shocked and scared by the dog “hand” I think was clever.
@Heather-Boyd thank you! My friend’s 12 year old boy told me the image needed bugs. I listened to him, haha
@Zachary-Drenski it's a fantastic image! I love it.
@Coley thank you!
@Zachary-Drenski I love the way this turned out! Seriously good work.
@BichonBistro thank you!
The experiment worked! Penny was so relieved to have her dog back from the dead.
Zaru's knowledge of alchemy and transmutation circles, coupled with Piero's mechanical skills helped save Ceberus' life. Wryter looked on in amazement, taking down notes.
@Jellen Thank you! And Thanks for helping out with a critique as I worked on it.
@Zachary-Drenski Ohh this turned out good - the extra contrast really helped bring it together.