@Lee-White , How do people vote? I didn’t see This in the instructions.
Thanks, Rita Goldner. ritagoldner4@gmail.com -
I remember nights in the hospital. I would always have certain recurring nightmares. It was horrible and I'd get very little sleep.
I am glad you are alright now. Thank you for sharing your personal story in your work. -
I asked my niece (7 years old) what she would want to dream about at night - and you nailed it.
We vote on the bottom right side of a post with the upwards arrow. But they count for likes not votes in terms of counting towards winners. Lee, Will and Jake make the winning decision. I know I am not Lee and I haven't read any other comments on this but I thought I'd reply.
My first submission to the monthly contest! So many great entries already! Looking forward to seeing what everyone does!
@Coley thank you so much!
@Heather-Boyd hehe it would be so cool if it was real! Thank you!
@Jenna-Jenks wow!
@Kaela-McCoy very cute. that little dog is so awesome and they really look like they're flying!
@Heather-Boyd Thanks for the comment Heather Yeh all good thanks. I just thought this was a nice way to display a very different side to Nightfall, so hopefully people agree.
decided to be on the ball and enter early! I'm a bit confused on what size the image should be though..........?I know there was a post a while back but I can't find it now.
@Coley Beautiful lighting! I love the night sky, stars, and color choice. Super cute character, too.
@Kaela-McCoy thank you He is super cute, I thought I'd call him Twinkle I was lucky to get a lot of help in the forums with this image!
@Coley so cozy! I love how you lit this
@rizzyfig aw thank you :'))
@Coley thanks hon! ️
After watching a few critiques and reading comments, I feel like I submitted my painting too quickly. Am I allowed to take it down, rework, and resubmit before February 29?
@RitaGoldner only the judges vote. You can support the artist by up-voting like @Heather-Boyd mentioned.
@Kaela-McCoy yes you can remove it. as long as it is submitted before midnight on the last day of the month.
@Kaela-McCoy (and all) Just so you know--when you delete a post, the post doesn't disappear. It simply "greys out". It has to be "purged" for some reason. I'm going to purge your post right now, but I wanted you to know that's why it kept showing up. I'm not sure folks who aren't moderators can actually "purge" posts, but I've made a practice to do so on any threads that I happen to come across. I don't know why they don't disappear--that's kind of the whole point of deleting things, right? Just wanted you to know.