Vehicle Design course
@ArtofAleksey, looks awesome!
Just finished Assignment 2 for the Form and Function exercise. I chose Homer Simpson and had a lot fun brainstorming vehicles that would get Homer going.
These assignments take much longer than expected, but the ROI is worth it!
@Jeremy-Ross i love the donut boat...add a motor and a sail and chefs kiss
Assignment 2 for Form vs Function
Assignment 3: My two boats are the Sydney Ferries and a Sampan
@shanehunt Assignment 3 complete! My wife chose yacht and my daughter chose sail boat. This was a tough challenge but well worth the exercise.
Assignment 4
Assignment 4 Parts 1 - 3. I’ll be submitting Part 4 separately. Lots of weird stuff came out of this exercise, but I pushed myself for ideas. I set my phone timer to 15 seconds for the 25 thumbnails.
Assignment 4-1, 2 & 3
This silhouette exercise was tougher for me than the environment design silhouettes. I got some really weird stuff from the gesture portion that I wouldn’t expect anyone to recognize as vehicles. Lol
My Final assignment:- thank you @shanehunt for such a great course I learnt so much
Nicely done @akterrey!
@akterrey haha this is fantastic!
Well done!
Finally, Assignment 4 Part 4 is complete! For this challenge, I asked my wife to pick a simple item from the kitchen to transform into a spaceship. She selected the oven range of all things!
Assignment 4.4 was fun.
Assignment 5 was a challenge. 🥵
Here are my four different car-icatures of the same car, or one car with multiple personalities.
@akterrey I really like this.
@Jim-Gleeson the two on the left side are my favorite
And here is the second assignment where the car is weak and strong.
[](link url)