Pod Cast Question - 3 Point Perspective
@NessIllustration What a great story, thank you!
One of the only assignments I have completed is my business plan for the svs 'Making money in illustration' class series, where I wrote that my advantage was that while I am average in illustration skills, I'm great at budgeting so cut my costs enough to have a chance to learn. I showed my husband and daughter to try to get them to understand that I didn't want to lead them on and that in five years i might get a job. They weren't too amused by thisAnd then everything changed, especially when I think of freelance work as a small business...
Thanks for always bringing such a steady and positive perspective to this forum. -
@NessIllustration WELL SAID!
@NessIllustration Exactly what I needed to hear right now.
I'm graduating in a few weeks and terrified of finding jobs. I'm going to screenshot your comment and save it. Thank you for sharing.
@carolinedrawing @burvantill @EliaMurrayArt @baileymvidler I'm so happy this quote could help you as it helped me. This was from my very wise teacher, Bernard Leduc. This made me realize that even if there is just one opening out there, that means I still have a shot. My focus shifted from being scared of the stats to thinking "Okay if they pick just one person, what can I do to ensure that's me?"
Here's another surprising fact: when I got my first studio job after graduating, the studio was actually hiring for 4 artist positions at that time. I got one, a fellow graduate got one, and the remaining 2 stayed vacant for MONTHS. They kept interviewing people, giving the animation test, even hiring a few people who didn't pass the 3 months trial period. I could not believe, with the hundreds of applicants competing for this job, how could they POSSIBLY have trouble finding someone? Turns out yes there are hundreds of people competing for these job openings... but very few of them are actually qualified. And it's not just drawing skills: good communication, teamwork, enthusiasm, hard work, resourcefulness, confidence and business skills are even more important than talent. The amount of competition that everyone warns will be our downfall is so much less relevant than we believe. I gave an animation industry example but in children illustration, just think of the amount of amazing artists who have never really thought about storytelling in their pieces? Or how to compose a book spread with space for text? I think everyone who has found their way to the SVS forums probably has a 100 miles of advance on the competition. It should not scare us, because we can all learn to become highly employable in this field
@carolinedrawing Budgeting is an incredibly important skill so you're way ahead of us! But for the record I think you have much more than just average illustration skills
In a perfect world, I'd be directing stop motion animation. I've studied it, collected the tools, technology, and training, but have always been sidetracked by life before I can start on a short film.
@demotlj yeah, that’s a good answer
@ajillustrates 🥺 life definitely gets in the way. I wish I could be working in stop motion too. I'd want to build puppets and props. It is such a difficult track to get on and needs such a huge time dedicated to it.
@Will-Terry this is shameful: my dream is to be “discovered” without ever risking putting myself out there, and get paid far more than I deserve, learning the skills magically as I go. So lazy!! Then I wise up and begin to get excited about the actual process of learning and growing and being a member of the artist community (like here at SVS). The dream transforms: to put in the time and effort and put myself out there and see what can actually happen. But that’s not a dream... that’s commitment, discipline, resilience, and sacrifice. But then again... that does feel like a dream
@Will-Terry In my perfect world I am writing and illustrating my own children's books and someone actually pays me money for that. No readings, no school and bookstore visits. I hate being around crowds
For now I am in a half-perfect world. I really am, I have the opportunity to write and illustrate stories all day long. Can't wait for the new podcast.
@NessIllustration so happy to see this when I was rereading this thread.
thank you
@Will-Terry My hope is to work full time writing and illustrating my own comics/webcomics!
@Will-Terry Would love to author/illustrate picture books in a 3d styling similar to stop motion (Red Nose Studio/Aardman/Laika hybrid), make funny greeting cards, and design/create/write for a Mr. Rogers/Muppet hybrid sketch show that would have different artist guests.
@johnchoi I’m just listening to episode 29 “Building a strong portfolio” and I’m totally in the beginning of phase 4. This “dream” is basically not wanting to grow through the phases.
@Whitney-Simms I love that! You want to paint pancake recipes. That made me smile. And the illustration is perfect too.
@jdubz When Will read what you said I had to come back and read it myself. Yes! I love this. And, I completely agree. Part of the reason I want to do art is because I love it. Part is to prove to my teacher who believed in me that I could believe in me too. (Part is to remind myself that the teacher who told me I wasn't "worth his time" doesn't get to tell me who I am.) And, a HUGE part of pursuing the dream is for when I tell my kids to work hard for what they want in life. I want to say, "like mama did, " because anything else feels hypocritical.