JULY CONTEST: Design a book cover for the Wizard of Oz
@cathy-spee - love this unusual style, itβs beautifully put together and so original.
@Alicia-S Thanks Chip for your tech help!
@Ryan-Ehr - this would be a perfect book cover for this story. The zig-zag design is fantastic as it takes your eyes down through all the characters. Awesome.
@ina thx
Yeah that's true with a lot of these older stories. I remember reading the original thinking how dark it really was hah.
Sorry for my lack of attention this month... I am in the process of selling my house and buying a new one
Anyway if anyone had issues posting this month please let me know. You can email me at cvalecek@gmail.com. We hit our limit of emails being sent from the forums which may have caused a delay in people getting their account validated. I will start to pull all the submissions and get the slideshow up and running by tomorrow!
@Chip-Valecek Congratulations on both your sale and purchase of a new home!
@marek-halko Epic Lion Mane!
@Jacy13 Thanks!
@Gaelle-Grizzly love
@SethWolfshorndl Thank you Seth! The competition is impressive each month. Like you, it's a very talented group. I'm always inspired.
@SethWolfshorndl Very nice! I love your take on the Tin Man.
Hi my name is stephanie, I'm new, This was my first time trying anything like this
I'm not a Subscriber so I figured it didn't matter when I posted this I just wanted to show it, I got kind of disheartened towards the end after seeing everyone else's but I still was proud of my concept. So here it is, I know it's not the best and it could use more TLC. I was encouraged to post here though
My instagram has better work
@my_art_multi_verse -
@Tom-Shannon Thanks! He was probably my favorite design.
@sigross thanks
@Chip-Valecek Hello Chip
congrats for your new acquisition and may you enjoy it at max
Sorry if you guys have answered this a million times but I am new and I just want to make sure i get it - what happens next - is there a place where it is announced when the Arena Critique takes place?
I know that the last months Critiques have been archived but I cant seem to find the link to that (I have a subscription)
thank you so much
@Kevin-Longueil ohhhh so then I am not the only one.. i have to confess since I am new to the forum i ve been clicking a bit around trying to figure out things.. I hope I haven't downvoted anyone - it is not on purpose !! how does this work actually ? how many times can you upvote and downvote someone, and what does this mean ? I ve noticed you can also do it to normal replies - I don't get it so well why would you downvote a reply which doesnt have a submission attached.. Do these votes count anywhere ?
thanks, and excuse a novice -
@Joe-Kim this is really great, I like the rendering and there's a bit of power and mystery. Great job
@Coley Thanks! Glad those feelings came through.
This is my first time submitting to these contests here. I had trouble submitting it on the 31st and I just got an email saying I can submit it today. I hope it's alright.
@Chip-Valecek Chip, good luck with your move!