Anyone doing portfolio consults or portfolio showcase with scbwi summer spectacular?
Anyone doing portfolio consults or portfolio showcase with scbwi summer spectacular?
I’m just looking to connect with others doing this
send me a PM if you’re doing it.
I know a few others doing the showcase but I’m also doing the review so am looking for buddies who might be as stressed as me hahahahaha!
I am! I am doing the portfolio showcase -- It makes me a little less nervous that it's online. I decided not to do the portfolio consult this year, but I had a good experience with it last year. The agent who was reviewing my portfolio gave me a lot to think about and I'm glad I did it. It's amazing how much someone can teach you in just a 15 minute conversation! I've got my fingers crossed for you!
@lora_chaudavis ok thanks
I’m sure I’ll learn a lot! That’s why I signed up! Good luck on the showcase!
@Coley I'm doing the portfolio consult
@Braden-Hallett oooh cooool!
I’m feeling a little naive - how does one do these things? I’d love a review... though I don’t quite feel ready.
@EliaMurrayArt it's through the Scbwi summer spectacular. Deadlines for this event just passed but there's always more. Everything this year went online because of covid.
If you are an scbwi member, you can sign up for The event, the conference and then a consult. There's probably other ways to get consults on your portfolio but I'm not an expert on that for sure. I noticed Scbwi also has regional webinars and occasionally they have consult through that, it's a little cheaper but possibly not quite the same amount of attention.
Scbwi has a load of resources and information if you are interested in children's books tho the cost of membership and events adds up. For me the online emphasis this year has been great because I have huge travel costs to get to any big events. Also because there are costs, I'm trying to get as much out of my membership as I can!
Anyhow, if you have any more questions anytime about the membership just ask -
@Coley thanks for the information!! I'm a member but I seem to have missed this info! It's very appreciated. I'll keep an eye out for it next time!
@EliaMurrayArt you should be getting emails, make sure they’re not going to spam. I make myself read them lol. I don’t find I can manage the time to read the monthly insight newsletters but I’m going to keep trying. Have you been taking in the digital series? Some nice ones there, I think the one with vashti Harrison is still up, that was a good one for illustrators ( some are more writer focused).
@Coley ah! I think they are going to spam!
I'll go review and see what I've missed!
Thank you - going to get some educating today
@Coley I decided last minute to do the showcase so wasn’t able to do the portfolio consult but I just had one in May through a local SCBWI event and it was great. Good luck!