Inktober 2020 - Week 1
Day 1: Fish
Day 2: Wisp
Day 3: Bulky
Day 3 Bulky
Inktober day 3
Day 3: Hagrid
Decided to start adding grayish washes. Here's Day 3-Bulky.
Day3 - Bulky
Day 3 - This ball of fluff just wants to fit in with the cool cats!
3rd day of inktober2020
03 - Bulky: Luther from Umbrella Academy cutting a bonsaiFollow my inktober on instagram:
Inktober 2020 day 3- bulky.
Bulky little bears!
Day 3: Beto needed to refuel after all that wispy vine swinging.
Day 3, bulky. Learning some new techniques and trying to loosen up with Lee White's great Experimenting with Ink lessons. Great fun and very messy!
Bhuulkki from the planet Putteet on his weekly shopping trip.
@Norman-Morana Nice lines! Is that charcoal?
Thank you, @danielerossi these are all ink
on the rabbit one I used a sea sponge, rough brushes, and a small pallet knife.
@Norman-Morana No way! It looks so much like charcoal. I’m really impressed. If I’m understanding correctly, you used a rough brush to ink then dabbed it with a sea sponge? That’s a great effect.
Inktober Day 3!
Closing out the week with a prompt. We got a bulky cat over here. -
@danielerossi Thats right! I start with the sponge, then brush, then each as needed. I also have test sheets of the same paper next to me where I'll make marks until I'm happy. It's close to dry brushing. I'm also using a white ink, but I'm not mixing them for greys. Happy you're digging the technique
Don't know if this counts, but it's what I went with:
Day Three - BulkyI'm pretty pleased with how this came out! I spent less time on rendering with this one, and more time on linework. I like the general look and design of this Castle Robot, but there are some places where the limb connection is wonky (I'm looking specifically at the right shoulder and his left leg/knee). I'm also not sure if the water level should be lower, as I get a little confused as to which lines represent the lower legs and which represent the river water.