Inktober 2020 - Week 2
Hi guys! This is my second Inktober. I took part for the first time last year and managed to complete all the 31 prompts!
Planning Questions:
How often are you planning to participate (daily, weekly, etc)?
I will be doing daily prompts, aiming for one a day! -
What are you using to guide your drawings (such as an overarching theme and/or the prompts list)? Give details.
I am working with the official prompt list this year, but with a running theme focused on fantasy and magical creatures. So, by the end of Inktober, I will have 31 new characters! I took the whole of September to get the ideas in place. All my characters have been penciled out already. -
When are you planning to make time to do your ink drawings?
Since I have finished penciling in my characters, I just spend some time at night inking. It is the best time to illustrate, as no one can disturb me. I find the whole inking process very soothing and therapeutic, to be quite honest! A real stress buster! -
Are you planning to use these drawings once you're done other then just posting to social media?
Last year, I did Inktober to get some of my ideas fleshed out, for a book I'm writing. The book is something of a personal project/ hobby that I do from time to time when I feel like escaping reality, and just want to unwind. Inktober helps me practise and improve on my story-telling, conceptualisation, line work and hatching techniques. I also have been working with different materials and mediums now, to get more experience in that sense. This year, I will colour in these new 31 characters for Slowvember and create a collage of all 31 characters together.
Day 4 - Radio
4th day of inktober2020
04 - Radio: Roachonaut; a human-cockroach hybrid, designed to endure cosmic radiation and thus withstand long trips through spaceFollow my inktober on instagramm:
This is based on a memory of when I would wake up really early while my dad got ready for work and we would have cereal and listen to his shortwave radio.
My daughter's radio:
Day 4: Radio
This post is deleted! -
Day 5: Blade
Yay! Week 2, Day 4-Radio.
Cruising along on the next road trip, listening to the radio on day 04 of Inktober.
Attempting a condensed Inktober this year! I'm hoping this will give me more time for each image, but still challenge me to come up with ways to combine all the prompt words. Here are the first 4 days in one: FISH(ing), (will-o-the-)WISP, BULKY (bull + key
), and RADIO combined.
Primal Day4 Version - Prey
Day 4: Professor Sprout
Day 4
Inked -
For Inktober Day 4 we have the scariest littlest vampire there ever was!
Here's my post for Day Four - Radio. I don't know if this entirely counts for the prompt, but I wanted to base my drawing around the communication devices soldiers used on the battlefield in World War II and such (I have no idea if those devices could be classified as "radios" or not!)
I also based the look of the soldiers off of little plastic toy soldiers I had as a kid; the posing of the figures is pretty memorable, so I thought it would work well.
Day 4 radio two versions
And here is day five, blade: