Inktober 2020 - Week 2
day 9-throw.
Inktober day 9 THROW
@Doodleworx Ha ha! I have not heard of the swiffer duster tool. That sounds like a much better use of them then dusting! Thanks for sharing.
@xin-li I agree. The digital process can not capture the spirit of an artist, at least not easily. Regardless, the digital work flow is amazing and the results look great!! Being a dad and working full-time as a web designer, I would not be able to draw as much as do without it. It's good to have a digital and traditional style. They enhance each other.
Hello everyone! I am not a frequent participant on the forums, but I am really proud of this series so far and really want to share them with you. Setting parameters of nothing bigger than 4-inch spot illustrations of Daily Terror
@xin-li Haha, thank you for the call out! It's very encouraging
I'm really digging your two recent inktober posts!! I think if you wanted to there is totally a way of having that kind of mark making in your digital work as well. And there is alwasy tra-digital illustration
Day 9: McGonagall
Inktober Day 09!
This one was a struggle during the process, but the piece grew on me once it was done. -
Okay, I made it to Day 9: Throw:
@Leah-Boulet Thanks! I really like it when I draw a successful hand; It's always a good feeling!
Day 9 - Throw
I was thinking of what objects could be thrown and I thought of Ninja Throwing Stars, also known as Shurikens, and I figured it would be a great opportunity to draw one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So here's Michelangelo dodging some ninja stars!
I like how the piece turned out! I used a reference for the pose and anatomy, but I didn't really use one for the throwing stars, so those could have been drawn sleeker, but overall, I'm pleased with what I got!
Pose Reference:
Day 10: Hope, and an Angel
Day 9. THROW caution to the wind on the ride to work. Inspired by an old etching.
- Day 9 THROW
- Day 9 THROW
@Norman-Morana I might need to have a chat with you to learn how you do the tra-digital illustration. you have done it so well. I know you are doing traditional work during this year's inktober (I saw your process video :-). I have a hard time telling if your pieces in your portfolio are traditional or digital. They all look traditional to me :-).
Day 10 - Hope
Hi All this is my first Inktober!!!
I plan to draw everyday, but also forgive myself if I don'tMy ultimate goal is to just draw everyday...with my job finding time to draw after work is difficult because it often leaves me mentally and emotionally drained. I used to love drawing so much, that I did it without having to remind myself to do it; but now its hard to muster that love for it after coming home from work. TL:DR I missed drawing and want to get better at by doing it again. Here's day 4 Radio
Day 5 Blade
Day 6 Rodent
Day 7 Fancy
Day 8 Teeth
As always feedback is welcomed
Day 10: Molly Weasley. The thing about doing a large piece like this for Inktober is that I know that "glue" drawings like this won't get the same level of social love as the rest, but that's just part of the grind