Inktober 2020 - Week 3
@Norman-Morana I really love this one! The body language of the guy in awe of the fish going by is great. I really like this series and style.
@David-starfas siiick!!!!
@Melanie-Daigle Happy Belated Thanksgiving
Inktober Day 12 - Slippery
I honestly struggled to come up with a drawing for day 12! Ideas were not a problem, but when I tried to create compositions based on those ideas, they just never worked out right. Eventually I landed on a Wikipedia article about Slippy Toad, a character from the Star Fox franchise, and I decided to just go with it. Better to draw something, rather than remain stuck trying to come up with a working idea.
I'm happy with the pose, but I really think some sort of background would benefit this piece. It seems empty and even just a floor would make Slippy Toad feel a lot more grounded on the page.
Inktober day 13 - Dune
@Rachel-Horne Thank you!! I think I'm still full from eating so much food
Day 12 and 13!!!
What do you think guys??
Slippery. Baby + Soap = Terrifyingly slippery.
Day 13: Dune, and a Giant
Day 13 - Dune
One last New Yorkery one
 day 13-dune.
Day13 - Dune
@Leah-Boulet Thank you