Need some advice on my artwork
I agree with everything that @NessIllustration said here! This piece is really lovely, I love the color and style. Definitely don't use Instagram as your metric of success! And I think a stronger storyline will help.
Do you mind linking your instagram as well? I would love to look at this piece in relation to your feed to see if I can give you any other, more specific, feedback.
@Navya-Raju Ditto what @carlianne said, I want to follow you! Drop your link!
@NessIllustration Thank you so much! This is real insight full and I have never looked at it that way but it makes so much sense now. My Instagram is navyaraju.illustration Can you take a look and let me know what you think of my other pieces?
@carlianne Thank you! I love your how to draw serries, very cute style. My instagram is @navyaraju.illustration
@Navya-Raju You know, you're doing really well hun! You have more followers than me haha
@NessIllustration That is really sweet of you! Is there anything I should work on or anything missing in my work? I plan on applying to an agency soon.
@Navya-Raju You have some really great work, and there's a ludic and naive quality to your work that I think will suit children's books incredibly well! I think you maybe want to add in there 2 pieces showing the same characters/ part of the same story to show you're able to draw the same characters consistently if hired to do a whole project. Also the biggest thing you're missing is a website! I see you have an Instagram and a Behance, but a standalone website is much more professional for clients and agents to take you seriously. You can create one with Adobe Portfolio for free if you have any of the Creative Cloud plans (even the 10 dollar Photography plan for just Photoshop) and it allows you to create a website in one afternoon. You can even import your projects from Behance!
@NessIllustration Thank you for all your kind words! I will work on my portfolio and launch a website in the near future before I apply.
@Navya-Raju So looking at your instagram, it seems like it performed at a similar level to your other posts, maybe you just judged it too quickly
If I were to offer a critique in general I would suggest you try looking at your images when they are small to check for clarity. For example, the girl's hand that is pointing at the gingerbread man is really hard to see because it is so close in value to the man behind it. If it had a more clear silhouette or was a darker value it would be easier to see. I think the course on composition by Will Terry would be a great refresher for you!
Overall I love your colors and shape language, lovely work!
@carlianne Thank you!
I feel like there is so much to learn and expand over. I'm currently trying to relook at my artwork and work on stuff missing out from my pieces and these pointers are very insightful and helpful.