Calling for the November ALL STARS!!!
@Norman-Morana wow so happy you tried sooo many characters. It's a really fun and lighthearted work.
Posting on behalf of James Toogood
(This made the deadline btw, but there were some technical difficulties uploading)
Thank you for your kind words!I am glad you found a connection with this illustration.
I wanted to show the love of a father and son going out camping with their two dogs.
Sorry I will not be able to do the slide show for these. I had it all set on Friday and then my work got hacked and it spread like wild fire through the network. As of right now I have lost everything I ever have done since my external hard drive was also connected to my computer 🥺 and when I say everything, I mean everything including my backups.
@Chip-Valecek Oh noooooo!!!!! I'm so sorry!
@Chip-Valecek oh dear. I feel for you!
Oh my gosh!!! That’s horrible. Nevermind the slide show. That’s nothing compared to losing your artwork. -
@Chip-Valecek Oh. No. So sorry to hear that. Never mind the slide. Stay strong. It is really a pain to loss your artwork.
Oh, Chip. That's terrible. I'm so sorry.
@Chip-Valecek I'm so sorry Chip
This is devastating. I'm sure it will take a long time to mourn, but please also remember they haven't taken your abilities, your talent, your passion and all the work you will create next.
@Chip-Valecek oh no! i'm so sorry! how did it happen?
Can you go back and download smaller sizes of the imagery that you've posted here on the forums, perhaps? It's not gone. That's at least a small good thing... ?
@miranda-hoover spectacular!
@Chip-Valecek Thats terrible, you must be so annoyed. sorry to hear that.
@Chip-Valecek oh my gosh that is terrible! So sorry this happened to you. Maybe treat 2021 like a new portfolio building year. I hope you find a way to salvage some things.
@Chip-Valecek ahhhhh! So sorry for your loss! Nothing gets my goat like technology gone wrong. But for someone to sabotage you by hacking...that's just terrible!
@Chip-Valecek Oh no!!! So sorry to hear that Chip!!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz we are not sure yet. Bad news was it infected my adobe cloud files so when I went on my personal machine adobe pulled the files down and messed up my personal machine. Its just a hot mess. @Coreyartus lucky for google drive I always save a large and small version of my art. I just don't have the PSDs anymore or as of right now. My company is looking into a way to get the files back.
@Chip-Valecek i’m so sorry, Chip. There’s been a lot of artists’ account hacking recently. There was this artist Julia Mann who got her ig account hacked. Her old account is now being run by an East european man selling iphones. Very frustrating. This makes me want to make more back-up of my files.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz This was an attack on the company I work for and it ran through the network. I work pretty much day and night so I usually do not disconnect from work network. I also left my SD card which has all of my PSD art files on it in that computer and my external hard drive I use to store all my photo/movies and website stuff. When it hit my computer through the network, it hit all of those as well. But it also went through my google drive, one drive, dropbox, and creative cloud. It has been a mess and I am still waiting to find out if they guys at work will be able to recover and decrypt all the files. I think my new years resolution will be to do more traditional art.