Ye Ye the Yeti and his home... contest WIP
@mag such a lovely idea and that kid is just sooo cute .. just stands out
@mag So cute
Your poses are really expressive!
@mag for me the best way to decide if a character is done is if you can draw him consistently, but he's still interesting. You know you've gone too far when they're too complex to draw accurately. You've also know you haven't gone far enough when you don't see personality of the character. That's all just my opinion.
I think you're heading in the right direction. In my opinion the little kid looks done, maybe just needs some distinguishing features when you decide the gender. Some of the sketches feel like a little girl, some like a little boy. The design feels very Hild tv show to me.
The Yeti has kind of a Totoro feel to him. He's very cute, but I feel like needs a little more something. Like one personality trait that's louder than the rest? Like he's a joker, or clumsy, or grumpy, or primitive etc. But I think just one...? Love the design though. I especially like that his horns are branches! And I like the fur pattern a lot.
Once again all my nit picky opinion, overall I really love the design work.
@mag It is awesome, love the yeti character, it is innovative and has a "real" character...I love the cute face and it has really your style, so when I saw it on IG inmidiatly I knew, this is from Mag. I love the little kid, at that age all kids look like male and female so don't let it bother you if somebody says so. I love the kid, cute posture and I think girl or boy would love to read story about this little kid with his/her friends.
@Meg-Clayburn thanks so much for your input. It helped me a lot!
@MichaelaH thank you! It’s sometimes hard for me to decide if the kid should be girl or boy, when the story suits for both... in this case I think I’ll give it a time and decide once I’ll have more “story material” to work with.
Thank you all for your kind support. I’m sharing some of the progress pictures. It was a great challenge and every one did a great job!
Such a great story and designs!
@aska reminds me of Totoro
@mag glad it helped! It turned out AWESOME! I love it so much!
These are such fun characters! I love the style and gestures. The sign on the back of the yeti is hilarious! Great job!
Sooo... where would Ye Ye the Yeti live?
For now, I’m gathering references and doodling thumbnails. I’ve never done a house design with this much care and preparation before... it will be great to see how big of a difference it will make! -
@mag I think the best would be your last design, the bigger one, but you may consider 1-storage(floor) only. (like the last reference image)
I just love your work haha. Congrats on winning!!! I was cheering YeYe while watching the critic haha. Looking forward to your house design!
Sooo... after drawing like a ton of different houses and cabins, I realised, my Yeti would probably never lived in a house from bricks and stones. He’s a forest creature, from our fluffy and cute bohemian woods, so I’ve came up with all new sketch and designed his home under open sky.
Do you guys have any thoughts/critiques? I’m not entirely sure if It’s according to the rules of this month prompt cause this is not an actual “house” but it is his home ... so maybe it’s ok?
@mag love haha. Now that you point it out... but I would’t change a thing haha.
PS: may I ask what brush you use? I’ve been exploring digital art recently.
@donnamakesart thank you!
I did the sketch in Procreate and used the default 6b sketch pencil. The value is done in the gouache paint brush. -
@mag I love this concept even more than the original homes in your thumbnail sketches! I think your style will really show through with this piece!
@Jacy13 thank you! Im really curious to see all the entries together!
I think I’m pretty much done here... but before I post it officially, I’ll sleep on it... do you see something that could be better/changed?
Thanks everyone and good luck with this month prompt!