Failed Treehouse Critique Please!
@von_Nimmermehr Yes I'm all for improving! It's just very disconcerting when an illustration you love doesn't resonate with other people so I just had to know why!
You know, I find myself constantly coming back to look at this piece. I only used the word interesting in my last reply, however it does hold me in a very mysterious frame of mind. I feel like I’m trying to unravel a visual parable. I just love puzzles, especially beautiful ones.
You know your piece is outside of that rigid creative box we all tend to stay in because the box gives us safety and comfort, which is okay, but it’s lovely when a piece like this can encourage us to move further into an unknown adventurous expanse.
Posting this work here and viewing it in this format doesn’t really do it justice. I hope you don’t mind but I downloaded it to my computer which has a great big screen and I have been viewing it from there.
I could easily write a small essay on this piece by the way.
Wonderfully done Katherine and thank you for the emotional and intellectual feast.
I really want to encourage you to continue creating in this way and don’t be discouraged by our little boxes. We do occasionally step out to venture into the wild.
@LauraA Thank you Laura — actually I would be very content if it just read as "magical factory". What a cool concept
Thanks for all the feedback — I'm looking forward to getting a chance to apply it all!
@Katherine No worries, it looks fine on your website!
@Robert-Henderson Wow Robert, I don't mind at all — that was really very sweet and heartwarming to read. Thank you. I think that might be one of the nicest things anyone has every said to me
Hi again everybody, I've begun reconstructing my Treehouse illustration! I'm starting with the composition and silhouette of the treehouse and this is where I'm at so far:
If anyone has feedback on the changes I've made to the composition and silhouette that would be absolutely fantastic!
Rendering, values, and concept will be addressed at a later date!
@Katherine How did you do in the competition- your image was fabulous.
@PenAndrew Oh thanks Stephen ( I have learnt your name is not Andrew since our last exchange!). Alas I was eliminated in the first round but I lost to one of the winners so that eases the sting. hehe
@Katherine You should be so happy your illustration is so beautiful and meaningful- I absolutely love it. Love your style. Glad you had some more recognition for your talent. I still don't know who won apart from Kim.
@PenAndrew Gosh thank you so much Stephen! I was very surprised I was in the top 16, so that was nice. I am very happy with aspects of it. I'm going to spend a few more days on some of the things I didn't get around to and some of the things I'm not happy with before I upload it to my portfolio though. I have a bit of a backlog of older work I need to finish first though!
Yeah I lost to Kim
The other winner was Kate Presley — super strong piece. I'm really glad she won, much deserved.
@Katherine Oh great I predicted Kim and Kate as two of the top 4, glad to know my instincts were correct.
@Katherine You should be very happy.