Rabbit/Dragon Road race wip! Come give your 2 cents!
@Asyas_illos thanks a lot!! your entries are amazing!
Another step forward!!
Colour flatted and testing the colours of the piece! -
@Georgios-Christopoulos Great dynamism!
@JQ thank you Jun!Love your website and your art!
@Georgios-Christopoulos thank you ^^
@Georgios-Christopoulos I hate to bring this up but I feel it should be mentioned. This illustration doesn’t look or feel like "rabbit road race" to me. Just having a rabbit character doesn’t feel like enough to appeal to the prompt. This is also more of a sky race than a road race.
That being said I think the illustration in general is looking excellent. I just wanted to make sure I brought up the fact that this might not tie into the prompt enough.
Georgios Christopoulos
@Griffin thanks for your comment!I see your point, though I think there will be some freedom in what kind of road race will it be. Who knows? Even if it won't, I really wanted to do a dummy page for my book and took this chance with my characters!
Thanks again for the critique! I appreciate it! -
Finished piece!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos This lo0oks awesome!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you veeeeery much!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos I love everything about this image, did you use procreate to make this image?
@PenAndrew thank you! Nope, good old heavy photoshop!
@Georgios-Christopoulos In fact I liked the first image you posted best, as it looked cleaner and really comic book.