My Superhero WIP – Captain Toots!
@Melissa_Bailey Yeah, I think I'm really muddying the waters with the transformation, so I'm pulling the alias out for now. I do this every month – try to fit the entire book idea into one page.
Maybe I'll bring it back, if the rest of the sheet looks good, but I have to focus.
And no, I haven't really pushed it with the name yet. Captain Toots is just what I call my 4yo and 1yo at times, and I ran with it. I should definitely think about that as I'm working on the art. Thanks.
And thank you! Great thoughts.
Adjustments, removing the transformation for now.
@KevinTreaccar I think it looks clearer without the transformation now but I need the fart cloud back!!! Current poses aren't very clear on what Captain Toot is about and I'm really digging the idea of a fart-powered flying baby superhero.
@ArtMelC Agreed! That should be the action pose, haha.
@ArtMelC @Meekipink Good news, the fart noise is already incorporated into the action pose! Just need to ink the sketch.
I might even be adding a bonus pose with a bonus fart noise…
The fart cloud/sound effect returns...
@KevinTreaccar I agree that this is much clearer without the transformation! And your subtle is great! I did a draw over for an idea I had to make it a little more clear that this is a fart rather than just a burst of air from his speed. I'm so excited to see this one finished!
@kirsten-mcg Awesome! Thanks! That exact thought about it possibly not being the right cloud shape ran through my mind this morning. Thanks for pointing that out. I like your tweak.
Still need to adjust the fart punch cloud (and add color and shadow), but I've finished the required poses.
I plan on adding one more pose on the right side, though. Captain Toots flying off (with another fart noise trailing behind). Adding a 6th pose doesn't disqualify us, correct?
How does this look before I add shading and color?
Color added...
And some shading now, too. See anything I need to fix?
Wanted to say thank you again to everyone who helped bring Captain Toots to life. Thank you!