SVS Virtual Studio MAY 2024
Figure Drawing For Illustrators is working!
Happy Mer-May everyone! *cough *cough
MER-MAN, I mean.
ciao! I haven't been on the forums for a while now but I thought I'd jump on here and share a page from my sketchbook
Hope everyone is having a great spring full of creativity and learning!
A powerless Storm missing her family.
X-men'97 fanart
It’s true, balloons do bring happiness
@jvartandillustration Love the Zoolander reference! Haha!
@Haley-Browning Thanks!
@ksfabian I loved this show! Great work!
I feel like I haven't finished almost any drawing this month and it's almost the end
but here are some character sketches I did yesterday
@Haley-Browning thanks!!! I’ve been wanting to do a few fun fan art projects and figured I’d start here.
@evka8D they look great!!
I took a gelli plate monoprint class this last weekend and fell in love with the medium. I've done almost exclusively digital work for the last 5 years, but now I’m pondering different ways to make narrative images combining traditional and digital techniques.
I’m just at the beginning cusp of exploring, but I’m already layering my own digital illustration and other images over the top of the monoprints and creating new things, so we’ll see. It’s exhilarating to return to traditional work and contemplate a merging of the two. I’ve always loved the richly textured and open illustrations of Pamela Zagarenski, and now suddenly I have a tool that sort of opened a door for me… I’m really excited about how I can use these pieces and drawing out the story from within them. SO much to explore!
@Coreyartus Really, really nice! It feels fresh, creative, and really interesting
@evka8D These are so lovely!
@Coreyartus I love Pamela's work too. These pieces you've created are terrific, so dynamic in colour and textures.
@ksfabian Thank you
I've been working on how to draw kids in my art style and wanted to make potential character designs for future projects
@evka8D These are lovely drawings.