SVS Studio JUNE 2024
@makekong You get some fun emotion and personality in your character poses!
I did this piece for my sister's 40th birthday. Her first pet was a cat, and then she got a bird, fish, a hamster, a tortoise, spiders, and the list keeps getting longer. Her cat is now 19 years old, which is very old for a cat. He is surrounded by all these animals, and he hates it. The tortoise trying to bite his tail is a real thing! As soon as the tortoise is free, he goes looking for the cat's tail to give it a good chomp.
@Arthur-Campling That is hilarious
@Sarah-VanDam thank you! This webcomic is all in so I get to play around with everything and learn lots. I could have done a talking faces one but this is way more joyful to draw
Saving the Rolly Polliessss
@Joshua-Chennault Very cute!
@Zachary-Schrage Great ink!!
This is so cool!
Makes we want to go draw straight away!
I finally fixed this piece after it got critiqued for the HTFYA prompt: "Jack Leapt"
I also just finished fixing this one last week.
I love this! Every animal has such a personality. Do I see a book in the future with these charming animals. -
Wow! Beautiful line work. May I ask your method. Quill, pen or digital? -
Really beautiful watercolor work as well as design. I assume you’ll print them out many to mass sell or are you selling the originals? -
@Larue I use a nib pen! and there's light tone work done in photoshop
Im writing a story about a kid who loves bugs and wants to share his passion with others. This is what a page could look like. -
@kylebeaudette LOL. So great!
@Zachary-Schrage I am drooling over your hatching. lol
@Sarah-VanDam - excellent work. I like the vertical format and colour palette!