Help with picking a thumbnail
these are great. I'm also in the class with Lee and David! yay!!
Thumbnailing is tough for me too. Honestly I KNOW I should do it, but I skip it and end up with a lot of "floating dot" style illustrations. I worked through a lot of the assignments in the "Creative Compositions" course and found that super helpful.
I'm really liking the long vertical design. I think the second to the last one is visually the most interesting, but compositionally it is dead center. So think about ways to direct focus and movement in the piece with color, contrast, or emphasis.
Looking forward to taking the class with you guys!
@kimchizerbe Yay!!! looking forward to being in class with you!!! Thank you for your insight, especially the directing with color contrast, there is so much to think about in illustration it is harder than it looks for sure!
@lmrush no doubt. But I love that we have this community here and the support to learn and grow together. Excited to see what sorts of assignments and feedback we will get in the class.
Keep us posted on your whale illustration! I can't wait to see what you do with it.
@lmrush Top right is my favorite composition - looks very nice to me
I want to sign up for the course so bad, but don't have the extra funds. It looks like an amazing class though. Have fun.
That course looks so fun, but I can't justify it with a baby taking all my extra time. When I squeeze in time to draw I feel super accomplished.
I'm putting in another vote for bottom center. Looks like a fun idea, I'm excited to see where you go with it!
@Sarah-LuAnn It won't be long and you will gain more and more time to paint, you will see, it goes by so fast soak up all those snuggles, Luke rarely wants to cuddle anymore!
I like the top right sketch, although I think it may look even better if there was some movement in the tail to balance out the composition due to the strong movement in the waves. Perhaps if the whale was curling into the boat from the left side (with its tail leaning to the right) it would help the eye flow towards the boat, does that make sense?
If you don't mind me also comment on future values/lighting, I would say that if there is a warm light on the boat that contrasts with the cool darks of the water (with a touch of rim lighting on the whale) then it would look awesome, but that's getting a bit ahead of myself
@lmrush It's hard to pick one thumbnail, they are all so much fun!
My favorite is the second one on the bottom row. I love the way you drew the boat on the water that way: very dynamic!
Whenever I'm creating thumbnails for a new project I strive to play with perspective as much as possible. For example, the last thumbnail seems to be an action scene, so I'd want to push the perspective forward to illustrate movement. By slightly overlapping the whale in the foreground with the boat in mid-foreground and the sky with waterline in the background will create a forward motion creating an exciting action scene for your final illustration.
I love the 5th one for the angle of the sea and boat but maybe with the angle the whale is in the last one (horizontal).Hope this makes sense!
@Gary-Wilkinson thank you so much all advice totally appreciated!!!!!
@eleArts thank you so much awesome tips!
I like the dynamic of the vertical compositions... probably your fifth thumbnail.
@DOTTYP yes thank you makes total sense
@evilrobot thank you for your input I really appreciate it
@Kevin-Longueil thank you kevin
@drawingmelee thank you
@andyjewett thank you I appreciate your input
Thanks everybody for your input on my thumbnails. I finally got a chance to sketch it out I would love your insight before I take it to paint. Thanks!