SVS Inktober Thread
that's great @Christina-Taylor-Brown . I love the effect with ink on that brown paper as well, what paper do you use?
Thanks, @audrey-dowling! It's Strahmore's Toned tan paper. You can find it at your local craft or hobby store, or amazon!
Here's the link
@audrey-dowling Awesome! Looking forward to seeing how it's all working out.
Inktober Day Three. Eli, the 7th wielder of the Cytan Blade.
Out of all the weapons forged using the diamonds from the Eastern Blue, ten are in a category all their own: the aptly called Legendary Blades. Created during the reign of the Old Kings, these ten blades all share shards from the same diamond, harvested from an ancient Eastern Blue named Cimetar; yet each has its own name and distinct properties depending on the wielder. Since then, weapons makers have tried to create blades of a similar caliber.
Throughout history, a handful of fierce and skilled warriors have had the strength to wield these legendary weapons. And while some have been able to utilize these blades to a higher degree than others, none have been able to fully harness the power locked within.
Only three of these blades are known to remain. One belongs to the descendants of Aelia and is being safeguarded somewhere under the grand halls of Castle Gaia. The other belongs to the descendants of Kane and is hidden within the Grey Mountains. The third has been reclaimed by the Eastern Blue Dragons.
As for the others, there are rumors that a clandestine group called the Dark Covenant have access to four of the Legendary Blades. The last three have disappeared along with their wielders.
@audrey-dowling I like it - she looks like she's about to kick someone's ass
Hi. I'm going through a rough breakup with my girlfriend of 2 and 1/2 years. The way I see it there's 2 things I can do: 1) cry myself to sleep, 2) draw like crazy.
Just wanted to say that, because I feel Inktober is really helping me overcome this, so I want to thank Mr. Parker for making this.
I work a lot with watercolor and I... just.. couldn't... help myself on this one. I promise the next drawing is going to be 100% ink.
@Callaxes At the beginning of the year I went through a break up with my partner of 10 years and we had at the time, a 3 year old girl. She's now 4. Believe me, it really, really does get easier. It looks like it doesn't now to you, but it does. Put your negative energy into a positive one and keep creating.
@Ace-Connell Thanks Ace. My heart goes out to you man. Hope things get better for you.
@Callaxes They are better. My daughter and I have an amazing relationship and the tension that was on the relationship isn't there anymore. Things will totally get better for you too