Master Studies Homework Buddy? (Composition and Env classes)
@Heather-Boyd It's one of the SVS classes. This is Creative Environment Design and I may also post Creative Composition studies here. If you join Friday that would be great . I'm aiming to get through all the assignments for both courses and watch/rewatch the videos before the last week in February.
@ThisKateCreates I am 3/4 way through Creative Composition 1 -so I have to finish that up, as well as Introduction to Photoshop. I can start posting some of my Creative Composition class work here and then when I finish up that class and the Photoshop I will move to the environment design class -looking forward to as my BIG January prompt I like that part the best.
I've been watching your master study thread and kept thinking that I should take you up on your offer to be a homework buddy but life kept getting in the way. I still can't commit to doing this on a regular basis but I did finally spend some time this weekend on two small master studies. Here is the one I did of an E.H. Shepard line and wash from "Wind in the Willows," looking at his color choices and the balance of line with the watercolor. I learned that he uses all yellows/greens/and blues for the background, including even a yellowish tree trunk, and reserves the reds and browns for the main characters. He also lets the line do most of the work for the texture, shading, and values.
It's a really great learning process. Thanks for sharing yours because it made me decide to do this.
@demotlj That's beautiful! I have my next few picked out so thanks for the reminder to do them. Maybe I should do a few paper ones. I actually feel more comfortable that way anyway. XD
I did two Cedric Cunanan and two Fan Ming.
This was a good combo because the devices they use are so different.The first two by Cunanan both frame dark figures against a light background. It's fairly simple as a way to draw the eye, but the fifished images still have a lot of depth from the use of detail and pattern within the lights and darks.
The last two by Fan Ming have a more complex, rhythmic distribution of darks and lights. The first one uses a lot of shapes swirling into the main focus, which is high contrast and the second draws the eye down the bridge to the tower. The framing dark shape of the first Cunanan also shows up here on the right, with the lights doing kind of the same on the left. In copying I should probably have better grouped the central lights to get the way the eye is pulled through them better.
A bit late but here are 3 varying sheets from Creative Composition 1. I am on page 22 of the worksheets and only through half of the videos lols.
Pages included below are #16, #11, and #9. Thanks!
@Heather-Boyd Nice!
Did some studies out of my new copy of mouseguard. I did these late evening by candlelight. But even in low light the compositions screamed.
@ThisKateCreates The lighter pencil shading ones are easier to read then the added pen ones. I can read After David Petersen one however. The one above it I am struggling with reading it.
@Heather-Boyd It just says "After Mouseguard Fall 1152 cover"
I know it's not very readable, but I still learned from it and am counting it towards my total. XD -
I love this idea of partnering up on working through a class with a buddy and sharing the homework. The Creative Environments is way over my head--but I started Creative Composition. Next time I'm considering starting a class, I think I'll post to find a partner. Thanks for inspiring me. -
@Heather-Boyd Wow girl! You really did your homework. Looks great
(I am heading back to do mine all over now..... shame on me)
Under Balance Video in Creative Composition quickies. Assignment #1 Kid Cheating on a test in a grade 3 classroom.
I use a 4H pencil so the clarity of my thumbnails are a bit difficult to read. I know about thumbnails but I havenโt used them till of late. Scribbling the bottom two were easier than trying to figure out shape for desks, ugh. Lols
@Heather-Boyd Nice work!
@ThisKateCreates Then I watched Jake Parkerโs tip on not having to include all the students in the back, and I forgot about vanishing points lols.
@Heather-Boyd Happens. It does help to have a go, look at what they say, then doover I think though.
21 Days ago wow -so putting aside Alice for a bit I have managed to get to the MASTER Copy Study drawing and composition. So I chose Kamil Murzyn who is a Polish Fantasy Artist and Author. You can find his work here:
I really love his Shadow Pass Environments but chose a composition with characters, a bit of architecture and lots of environment
. So instead I went with his Necromancer's Tower, Shadow Pass Town. I have completed the thumbnail and composition stage and will post the finishing drawing early next week.
It has really help me gained a little confidence with my preliminary character shapes.
This has taken me 3 1/2 days of cramming in, with two migraines and a handful of sore and cramped fingers. I still need to do a final clean line version -but I am ex-tactic how it resembles it - not perfect. I have a very new appreciation for comic style/ book artists -wasn't my idea and yet took a lot of hours.
@Heather-Boyd What a nice style this guy has! I can see why you choose him ad reference! Great work!!!
Just completed it! My index finger went to sleep several times. So happy it is done -now for the last assignment. Thanks