Our SVS Virtual Studio MAY 2019
@Braden-Hallett This is brilliant, that dogs face really made me chuckle!
@evilrobot that paint over is epic
I just completed my very first master copy. Original by J.P. Miller.
My copy done in watercolor, gouache and colored pencil. No digital edits other than getting scanned colors to accurately depict the original and healing a couple of colored pencil crumbs. My colors are slightly off IRL. My printer slightly cropped the original which is why my clouds are cut off.
I had quite a bit of trouble placing the eye - I should have done a quick value even on the ipad before painting and I would have seen the issue beforehand. I also had no drybrush experience - I like it!
Thinks I learned - I rely more on line work in my work than shape - something to pay attention to. Also, stop when you get tired. It's obvious in the detail work that I was running out of steam. If I was fresh I would have tested my mark making and perhaps have been more accurate.
Things like markmaking and whiskers that are spontaneous linework are very difficult to copy!
I think the next thing I want to do is go into my sketches and pick out one of my original rabbits and place it in a scene reminiscent of this one and complete it in a similar style.
Sorry which one is yours?
I like both I think you did a nice job. How do you find drawing pencil crayon over top of gouache and watercolour? -
@Heather-Boyd Sorry - I thought it was obvious!
Original on right. I love colored pencils over watercolor and vice versa!
I never thought of vise versa
Is hers entirely digital -like digital watercolour/ digital pencil crayon brushes?
Some tings from today … started the How To Ink 2.0 course, and it gave me the confidence to finally start using my Pentel Pocket Brush Pen on me lilSOPHiE's.
I'm so scared of that pen, yet at the same time, I love it. It does, like Jake Parker said, feel like a butterfly licking lol It's so soft and delicate, yet so hard to do light lines. It still scares me, but I've promised myself from now on, I'll only be using that for a while to ink.
Also did a draw over of one of Jakes drawings … that was fun, and some line practice exercises but midway through my drawing practice, a cat jump in the window and sat on me paper, cheeky bugger lol
Does anyone else find tedious drawing exercises fun? I sort of love the tediousness?
I set a personal goal for myself to post whatever piece I was developing on the 2nd of each month. But I was in dress rehearsals for a play I designed the costumes for, so I was sewing and dyeing and shopping instead of drawing. <sigh> But the show's finally open, and it's only the 5th, so I only missed my goal by a couple days.
So this started as a butterfly, and then it sorta... morphed. I tried some new Gouache 2019 brushes by Tip Top for Procreate on the iPad. And I think they kinda give the piece a bit of an old fashioned look, what with all the strokes and streaky paint and all. Then I remembered another app I'm fond of called iColorama, and I threw it in there to give it a reflective light effect as if it's a photograph of a painting or something.
I love playing around!
Been working on figure drawing still and signed up for a local children’s book writing class where a Scholastic editor will be present
. All this talk of Mermay also got into my head so did a silly drawing
I should have been working on my Creative Environmental Design homework tonight but instead I did this sketch for a librarian friend of mine.
@Heather-Boyd J.P.Miller was an illustrator for Golden Books. I’m assuming he worked primarily in gouache of varying transparencies.
Here’s a thumbnail for a piece I’m considering completing inspired by my master copy. The trees in the background will be blueberries. I’m feeling that the composition is likely too close to the original for comfort in my portfolio, though. Thoughts?
@hannahmccaffery Nice work! I like your characters.
@Braden-Hallett ha, nice one! I love all the little details in this.
Working on my MerMay submission. The prompt is stretch, the mermaid is doing the mermaid pose which is an actual yoga pose. Thought that was a nice detail. I'm thinking of doing the bottom left version, you can see my sort of value study on the right. I also like sketch 1 in row 2. What do mermaids use as a yoga mat? A manta ray of course.
Going to turn this into a seemless repeat. I don’t know if I’ll do an entire collection to enter for mermay. But the scales were in my head and I just needed to get them out. I would like to do it in a few colors too. I would also love to do a pattern with my girls and two of my nieces as mermaids. Kinda like a toile. The ones with scenes. Doubt I’ll have time, but I may try and sneak it in!
I'm working on a layout for one of my own picture book, trying to participate in mermay (but I've actually never ever draw a mermaid before, so it's freaking me out!), and working on sketches for a book with cute short rhymes for children - I'm very excited about this one, it looks I might get a few nice portfolio pieces out of this.
@mag these little characters are so adorable.
@mag yep, I agree with @burvantill ! I love these little characters too. Can’t wait to see more of them. You have tapped into some serious cuteness!
Another painting I did over a sketch