Live 3-day event with Will Terry! Starts Wed Mar 25 at 2pm MDT
I need a link too
I need a link too this is my first class and I’m not sure how to join
@Orsolya-Orbán @mamo @Braden-Hallett @Passion-Hart Emailed!
@LisaF you are amazing! Thank you
Can I get a link too?
Can't see a zoom link in the mail. Can you please send me one.
@annikahirvonen @Kimmie-Fransson Sent to you
@LisaF Thank you!
@Will-Terry thankyou! I have been gradually painting more with digital over the last couple years. Time to up my game.
I'm enjoying this class so very much. Huge thanks to @Will-Terry and @Lee-White for doing this. The amount of information one can gain by observing a master's process is invaluable!
How do we get a link? I’ve missed the last couple days due to family stuff.
@Coley If you are a subscriber, it has been emailed to you.
Hi everyone! We'll be kicking off Day 3 in just a bit! If you still need a link, shoot me an email!
It starts at 2pm MDT. For time zones outside the US, check here.
Day 3 is just for members, but you can take advantage of our FREE 30 day trial to attend.
Hope to see you there!
This looks so fabulous! Wondering if it is being recorded? Haven't been able to make any of the sessions but I'd love to color along with Will! Thanks!
@PamM Yes, we'll record it and put it in the subscription
I'm a subscriber who didn't receive an email...but certainly would have wanted to join???
@LisaF I saw your messagea little late but Thank you. I received the link and I am watching just now.
@LisaF I did not recieve the link either. where can I join the live session?
OK, I'm feeling stupid! How do I get to it?