Do you know about the Serious Critique Category?
I just tried a test post and it shows up lower in the list as itโs own category, not a sub category when selecting for a new post.
When you just want to view it, it appears as a sub category in artwork.
Hope this helps -
@burvantill Aaah, ok, figures I just missed it facepalm
thanks for that, I appreciate you looking! Iโll be sure to post there next time I need a critique!
@burvantill itโs there when I look at the work but itโs not a choice when I go to select a category to post. @Chip-Valecek is that a me glitch? Also does everyone have to wait 120 secs to post or is that a me glitch, too?
@chrisaakins Iโve had to wait between posts, too. I think thatโs normal. I donโt know about the other, I can see the category every time.
Thanks. I had no idea. Are there instructions or best practices for the forums anywhere, because they aren't very self-explanatory. Thanks
@Joanne-Roberts yes and no. Lol.
We learn from others as we go.
I think basic kindness throughout and be specific when asking for help/critique. -
@burvantill I had no clue!! THanks Lisa!
@burvantill It seems to be unavailable to me. Odd thing is I REMEMBER it being available before. Maybe something changed?
Screen Shot 2020-09-12 at 8.05.15 AM
@Braden-Hallett weird. Chris is having trouble to. I just told the authorities
. So hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Iโm looking forward to really slamming some people.
I can see it as a category when I'm not posting.
Same! I went back and tried again and my menu is the same - can only view it but unable to select to post there as itโs missing from my drop-down menu. I use a tablet, not sure if that makes a difference or not.
yeah same problem here, I can't see it when. I am posting , I hope they fix it soon.
I moved it out to its own category. Can someone let me know if they see it now?
@Chip-Valecek still not there when you try to post.
I'm not having any trouble. Perhaps it is the device? I am on a desktop mac.
@Chip-Valecek I can see and use it, but I've always been able to. On my iphone using safari and my mac using chrome.
This is currently what I see:
("Contest" is the last topic at the bottom of the list on the right that is obscured in the above image).I didn't see the "Serious Critique Requested" topic when I made mine a few days ago, so I just put it under "Artwork."
@burvantill thanks so much for sharing this, I've been here quite a while now and did not know this!
@burvantill @Chip-Valecek this is so weird. I wonder if itโs because you are a moderator? Or I wonder if there is a setting some of us have. I have tried on three different devices and I can still only see it when viewing posts, but not when posting. (Android, windows, and iPad)
I didn't realize that existed and I've been on SVS for almost a year now - so thanks!!