First paid illustration gig complete and public! Another one just sorted, and another possible....
My first paid illustration gig, which I actually started December 2019, has finally gone public. It was delayed by COVID and is now finally getting off the ground. They wanted an illustration (which they called a graphic so it was sort of a mix.... I think lol) that represented a pilot project. It’s a cooperative project between our local health care authority and a large art group with funding from a federal agency that supports new Health programming initiatives. This was to represent the smart aging project, where they use art (visual and performing, you name it) to improve lives of people with dementia. They’re pulling in artists to lead sessions, some participants will be in person but they wanted to connect other people who live far away and might normally be unable to connect in person, hence the tech piece (participants on the screens). I used to be an occupational therapist In a former life lol, so this was pretty cool to be a part of.
Also, I was contacted by a provincial , well-established magazine to complete 8-10 illustrations (characters only in a field guide sort of manner), by end of October, we have a price worked out, deadline, a little bit on style, and copyright (mine to keep, they just want first right of publication). Which is pretty cool because I think these characters are a bit of local legends so it’s possible I could do more with them afterwards. I spoke with an artist friend who knows them and they’re apparently a reliable bunch at that magazine.
And in a bit of unsure category - I have a lady Messaging me, who wants to write her own book series, first one is submitted to a publisher but she thinks she can run a kickstarter (if I do the cover) and then self publish. So, .....I’m not working for free, lol, I know that. Wondering anyone’s thoughts. She contacted me last night and now she wants to call me. If for example, I was paid up front to do a cover, I could potentially sign on to do the rest of the illustrating only if she can afford to pay me x amount of dollars. Does that make sense. But then it’s that kickstarter thing where you have a project put out there that’s not complete yet Hanging over your head ( I did listen to the recent podcast but probably should again). I’m really not sure what to think on this so if anyone has any advice let me know. I just started a non art related new job so I’m busy and more ready to turn away requests that are not going to get me any farther with art or non paying. Even though she sounds really excited and enthusiastic about my work, but I doNot think she has done this before either. A bit hesitant on having a verbal conversation at the moment until I have some more advice. I don’t think I’m the best at standing up for myself either lol so I might be more comfortable with emails so I have time to think and respond. And it’s good to have everything in writing anyhow. -
Woohoo! Congratulations!!! That's awesome news, Nicole!! Woot!
Congratulations also from me!!! I can't help you with your question, but I am happy your foot is in the door so to speak.
@Coley If you're more comfortable with email, tell her that!
You don't have to take her call. I dodge client calls all the time haha.. I use the excuse that when we do it by email we can exchange images and I have everything in writing to refer to later so it's better for me. Which is not a lie, but I just don't like talking on the phone because I get swept up by the other person..
@NessIllustration that’s exactly the way I am! Thanks for the tip on how to handle that
Great news!! Congratulations
Congratulations. The illustration looks great.
I would also not having client conversations over the phone call, at least, avoid promising anything over the phone. My previous project manager told me a trick when clients push decisions to be made in meetings. He said it is much better to say "I will think over this and come back to you in a day or two.". It makes you sounding thoughtful, and smart.
To get everything in writing is very handy. Most people have bad memories these days. Also, an email agreement is considered an agreement legally (at least in Noway, that is the case).
@xin-li thank you! I was feeling pressured. I haven't even responded to her email yet, which is unlike me. The advice I got here helps me know how to handle things