Yeti Home Progress!!
Love these concepts! Feeling inspired all of a sudden haha.
@carrieannebrown it is for his family!
here is Winslow!
@K-Flagg Thanks a lot!! That is true about cuteness, but I figured that being badass is more important to me,haha
kidding, just want to shoe some consistency on my designs, since they might as well be portfolio pieces.
@Shane-Lees Thanks my friend!well at this point they are just 6-year old kid scribbles lol
@donnamakesart I am happy about that! Go for it!!
Ideas keep coming.
When I am in a design phase, I might go from 2-3 concepts to 50.
It is always a weird thing,especially when I got time and there is no serious pressure in the deadline.
Trying how various combination of shapes might work.
Imo these lack a bit of character, so I might continue exploring for a while!
Hope those help someone!!
Some more design ideas.
Thought of approaching of a tinkerer style home but i am not very sure about it.
Anyways , figured I d share,might help someone!! -
These are great! I like them both.
@Georgios-Christopoulos I like the left
I am really digging the shop wreck what would be especially awesom is if it were a Viking ship! Great concepts sketches all of them!
@K-Flagg Thanks thanks my friend!!!
@KaraDaniel thanks!!yes, the skull is my pref too...
@Asyas_illos I was pretty fond of the iced ship wreck, but I reconsidered since my yeti is more of a guardian descendant yeti..thanks for your feedback!! -
Smal update!!
I tend to like the approach of the giant yeti skull becoming home of the one horned yeti tribe..What do you think guys??
@Georgios-Christopoulos yes. Haha. Love it
@donnamakesart Thanks so much!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos Super creative and awesome idea! Can't wait to see it come to life
@Jacy13 thanks a lot Jacy! Hopefully I ll make it in time!
Ok!Small but big change!!
Made the Huge Yeti skull House on top of a red cliff that the famous one horned yeti tribe dwell!
They stay all together as a family,in their respective apartments and I figure the communicate from the inside, like in a condominium. I am really temped to draw a vetical cut so I can show the inside..The red cliffs are supposed to be rare ancient rocks that are easy to penetrate and have encellent qualitites for holding the warmth in.
Also on top, the old Yeti uncles resigns, and he is sooooo grumpy.
What do you guys think???
Made the Huge Yeti skull House on top of a red cliff that the famous one horned yeti tribe dwell!
They stay all together as a family,in their respective apartments and I figure the communicate from the inside, like in a condominium. I am really temped to draw a vertical cut so I can show the inside..The red cliffs are supposed to be rare ancient rocks that are easy to penetrate and have encellent qualitites for holding the warmth in.
Also on top, the old Yeti uncles resigns, and he is sooooo grumpy.
What do you guys think???
@Georgios-Christopoulos I love this! I want to see the inside too. Hmm maybe you could do it like the yeti prompt. Like how it had to be all these different poses and what could do your dwelling from different angles and inside vignettes. Just a thought off the top of my head.
@KaraDaniel I agree.I am thinking about cutting it in half from the front as it is and maybe another 3/4 view.Who knows, we ll see if I ever make the time for it!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos this looks super cool! I love all the detail and fun add-ons. A winner for sure. Makes mine look super tame! Great job so far.
One suggestion is to make the support beams on the train car wings be more rustic like some of your other woodwork. Or make them look like stolen train trestles or something. Right now they look like an afterthought compared to everything else.
Can't wait to see the final results. -
@chrisaakins thanks so much for the words!! You are awesome! You have a good point there. I will certainly think of something! Thanks for the suggestion!