Opinion on the design of this Nintendo mascots print?
Hello team!
I am in the process of making some prints featuring already known IP s (hopefully some might end up in my portfolio)
This one features 3 of the basic nintendo mascots,all with their grumpy faces.
The title is just for fun,might keep it ormight not.
What do you think of this?
Honest critique will be heplful!Cheers~~
Giorgos -
I think you have done a really great job with your composition. I'm not a super fan of the title being added because their faces already say it all... and every time I see the word "grumpy" now I just think of grumpy cat, so now I am looking for him in the composition
Love the two floating bricks up there, they balance it really well!
@SibleyGray Thanks for the feedback!! Laughing hard at the grumpy cat scenario
do you think I should add some more characters? I mean is there anyone as iconic as those three?
Technically you have five. Navi and Pikachu are also beings in themselves ;). I like the composition, but don’t like the title. The faces of the characters already say enough, making the title a bit superflous for me. Personally I would go a bit more Ockhams razor and leave the title out as it doesn’t add that much.
For iconic Nintendo characters, what about Bowser, Kirby or Yoshi?
@Niels Yeah I agree about the text.I think it would work as a comic cover but as a print it is so much.also wanted to keep it to protagonists and one character per game,Kirby Is a neat idea though!!
It would definitely work as a book cover!
Other than Kirby I can’t really name more iconic Nintendo characters without nudging up against the three franchises already represented, sorry.
Made me think of this tattoo artist : https://www.instagram.com/p/BWyMrk6BtNQ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
I would make the front characters a little bigger and try to overlap them some.