Hello, I'm Andrea!
Hi everyone! I've been a member of SVS for all of 2019 but haven't known what to say on the forums. I am currently a librarian who would love to step back from working with the public and become an illustrator. Up to this point in my career I have done mostly realistic commissions and I'm hoping SVS will help me improve my ability to illustration instead of replicate. I can't wait to get to know more of you through your posts and browse through everyone's wonderful art. Here are a few of my own pieces that I am (currently) happy with!
This last one is what I've been doing for commissions... super fun but not the dream.Thanks guys!
Andrea -
@azupcsan Welcome! Your style is really likable. Your illustrations are simple and uncluttered. I love them. Good luck with pursuing your dreams. I hope you are able to get everything you are looking for out of SVS and the forums.
@azupcsan Hi Andrea, welcome! Your work is really beautiful
What I'm noticing though is that every one of those pieces is in a different style, are you in an experimentation period? Your skill is obviously high level and I have no doubt that SVS can help your figure out your unique illustration style. Best of luck and welcome to the forums!
Welcome! Your illustrations are cute and well done!
Welcome to the forums! Lookin' forward to seeing more of your work
Hi there, Andrea! The portrait is incredible - did you learn to paint formally at some point in your career?
I also really like the sketchy style of the first illustration with the dog and the little boy. I look forward to seeing more.
Welcome, your work is endearing!!!!
@azupcsan welcome to the forums!
Welcome... great to have you with us.
I love your characters and style in the one with the boy reading to the dog. Very nice. Can't wait to see more.
Thank you so much for the kind words everyone:)
@animatosoor Thank you! The portrait is actually done in colored pencil. I minored in fine art in college but didn't take it seriously. I'm trying to make myself produce more finished illustrations and find a style of drawing that works!
@NessIllustration I am definitely in an experimentation period. Most of my college stuff is super realistic renders. I'm fighting to find an illustration style that I can keep consistent. My line work and finished color is always at odds though. Sometimes I think I need to carry over my crosshatching and things would improve.
@azupcsan Oh wow, I didn't realise it was done in coloured pencil. You would soon find a style that you like, and I'm sure you will be doing more finished narrative-driven illustrations soon as well. All the best, and I would love to see more work!
Hi! Welcome to the group!. You have a very cute style.
Welcome! Love the carrot one!