@Heather-Boyd Yes in my second sketch I drew today I tied the rope around the branch and putting more motion in the tire swing makes perfect sense. Thank you!
@Heather-Boyd Hi fellow Canadian! Yup, I am definitely small town, surrounded by river and bush. 😃 Lots of history which is the direction I hope to head towards. What a great forum this is! Loads of encouragement and support.
Welcome @fullerj ! Everyone on SVS is super helpful and kind (the main reason why so many people love being here) I understand that it can be intimidating but I hope you are able to put aside your shyness and share your work and really learn and grow here! 🙂
Hi again,
Its bin a while when i was a active member here,
i was to buzy making a carreer, worked in a factory as a operator, 1 january 2016 it happened i finally i got a job offerd as a concept artist for designing props for amusement parks and music festivals enc. few months later it went bankrupt. so the dream feled apart.
Then i made it as apprentice in a tattooshop where i worked for 3 years and now i own my own shop.
But i missed the childeren's book industrie so now with the corona crissis and the closed shop i have the time again to finish my childeren's book and participate here more on this forum.
meanwhile i made illustrations for someone that showed them on a kamishibai, am sorry but its spoken in dutch https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqwZDuKUnN6E%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR0GXwizKIYUAU1mmqCiW6S8lvhMbbCzkXSYY5uSyQJ6wGHfWKy-Ur4NT1Y&h=AT2n4glA8R_UdtZya80qIrPOyiHLgNobJUIfHPSD4KVVTtQkUtmExViodFSxMkmacoSv220X5nq_d8fbJmqCJzedMErFBJZPTnK-e7kmM9luZp1J44pUcXcFZcYIoHzhMNo
I also subscribed as a paying member on the svs learn school.
bought some lessons from marco bucci and watching the lessons on SVS now.
driven to learn and master all fundamentals.
I hope to finish a artpiece for competition in april 🙂
Thank you, I just recently made it. It's a start. Just started a blog too because I love writing as much as I do making art. I continue to work on improving basic skills and a style (never ending process). 🙂
Small indeed. One of my own favorite stories takes place around the air show in Oshkosh. My dad dreamed of being a pilot and we went to a lot of air shows when I was young. I was last there in 2016.
@davidw Welcome David! I have recently joined too. Im a self-taught artist/illustrator, finding my ground in the industry. Still exploring the website and forums. Its inspiring to see that you're re-doing the whole process that you did 20 years back, while I keep cribbing about never being able to do enough and growing old losing time. Cheers!