@Lee-White's advice is straight-forward but so on the money. I remember having a consult with him and we were going over my portfolio and he said something along the lines of "Ok, I'm an art director, you've done the work, you have my interest now why should I hire you over this guy over here who's work is as good if not and most likely better?"
I was a bit tongued tied and said something really generic.
Lee basically said you have to learn to sell yourself as a professional artist!
What I think he meant was you have to know yourself, your work and your market audience well enough to sell the whole package...meaning you as a business. You have to know your strengths, weakness and how to sell yourself as an artist AND professional business person all in one.
So you can bet I'll be thinking of that the next time I speak with someone about a book.
This is why in addition to money matters his class is so important! There are a lot of things I'm sure most of us are not thinking about enough.
@Kris-Knight Keep working hard and pushing yourself and your skills and listen and apply what Lee and Will and Jake are saying and I can almost guarantee you'll be making jumps creatively every step of the way.
This is one of my first pieces from about 3 years ago (You are light years ahead of this by the way) I had no understanding of anatomy etc etc etc but I worked hard, spent endless nights after my kids went to bed... drawing, painting, learning. I made sure to surround myself with people who were better, WAY better. I listened and applied!! SVS was a game changer and now I have interest in a book I wrote and illustrated from two publishers, plus have a contract with McGraw-Hill. I have Lee, Will and Jake to thank! I hope that helps and encourages you to keep going!!
Here is my new work www.charlieeveryan.com