@kim-hunter I also responded similarly (sans goats). Time also limits my ability to enter every month. I feel that a reasonable expectation for me would be to do my best to have something I feel comfortable entering at least a couple times per year. A stretch goal for me could be to try and enter, say, 6 challenges out of 12. For me, entering the contests also means making time for interacting in the forums. I haven't been reading the forums let alone sharing crits or posting anything in the past several months that I've been a member, even though I know it is so valuable to the education of an illustrator (both giving and receiving critique). So part of my stretch goal would need to include discussing the process with others. I think every artist's pace is valid, and I also appreciate the time constraint. In my personal work style, a tight deadline helps me to improve. At the same time I appreciate that were are not being "graded" on whether we submit something in any given month or not.
I did like the series of challenges that included character design, scene design, and a home (both Albert and Yeti). Even though I didn't submit to them all, I made attempts. One good thing about them was that there was a little bit of a preview of coming challenges, so that started the ideas percolating. So even though we didn't have the exact specs in advance, we kinda knew what to expect.