Inktober 2020 - Week 5
Crawl. This was a lot of fun. Thanks SVS for hosting InkTober and getting me drawing again.
Final Day. It was a interesting experience and to see what other people come up with was great.
Day 28: Float, and a Dragon
Day 29: Shoes, and a Leprechaun
Day 30: Ominous, and a Yeti
Day 31: Crawl, and a Chimera
Day 25 Primal + Inktober: Hunter
I think I forgot to post my last one
Day 31: Beto wears his creepy crawler Halloween costume!
Inktober has been awesome again. Always learning, getting a bit better every year, thanks everyone for sharing your inktober art, it has been inspiring!
Day 31. CRAWL space of year 2020.
Last day on Inktober !!
Done! Here are days 29-31: shoes, ominous, and crawl. I struggled a bit with the values, but I'll carry what I learned forward for next time
Congrats to everyone that participated in Inktober!
I made it by my Scrapbooking Pens
Finished Inktober just last week and feeling super stoked. Made a mock up for an Inktober booklet and it got me so excited but I'm still figuring out how I want to lay it out haha. .
While going through Inktober memories, I thought that why not share something with you, though it's too late! It's really a very simple art from my Inktober collection, made with Bianyo Watercolor Marker set.