Inktober 2020 - Week 5
Day 31. CRAWL space of year 2020.
Last day on Inktober !!
Done! Here are days 29-31: shoes, ominous, and crawl. I struggled a bit with the values, but I'll carry what I learned forward for next time
Congrats to everyone that participated in Inktober!
I made it by my Scrapbooking Pens
Finished Inktober just last week and feeling super stoked. Made a mock up for an Inktober booklet and it got me so excited but I'm still figuring out how I want to lay it out haha. .
While going through Inktober memories, I thought that why not share something with you, though it's too late! It's really a very simple art from my Inktober collection, made with Bianyo Watercolor Marker set.