Lifeguard Yeti WIP - Looking for critiques and opinions
Hello, I'm new to the forum and decided to try and enter the December art contest.
Here are some exploration sketches I made just to try and find a nice design for the head and face of my Yeti. I decided to make him a teenage lifeguard, and I like where my last sketch is going (bottom right). I'm wondering if maybe I should make him less of a moody teen and a bit more chill (no pun intended ;)).
I would love to hear your opinions or critiques if you have any, whether its about his attitude or anything else! Thanks !
@Nicolas-Gagnon-Fee this is the most unique take I’ve seen so far. Great job!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz wow, thank you very much!
Def a moody teen - perfect for a lifeguard. How about maybe a bit more fur on the face so he looks more yeti and not like an ape? Fun character!
@Kat thanks for the feedback, it’s very appreciated and useful!
@Nicolas-Gagnon-Fee Such a fun take on the prompt! I think you've totally nailed the moody-but-trying-to-be-chill teen slouch in the last image!
@Kristin-Dudish thank you!
@Nicolas-Gagnon-Fee these are amazing character sketches! Can’t wait to see the final!
@powsupermum thank you so much!
@Nicolas-Gagnon-Fee hey man, these are killer! I’m with you on the bottom right one being the best direction. He looks the most like a teen. And I happen to like the moody look. I’m glad you’re entering the contest, can’t wait to see you in the critique arena. Welcome to the forum by the way:)
@DaveLeekArt thank you very much, it means a lot
I did some more sketches and modifications, giving him a bit more range (he can look like a shy and awkward teen, now, too!). I'm thinking of maybe pushing the shapes and proportions a bit further. What do you all think?
@Nicolas-Gagnon-Fee love his hair! Especially the top right hair doodle, is spot on!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos thanks - and noted!