@Robyn-Hepburn Really cute image.
Something that sticks out right away to me is the feeling of being confined to a single color palette. The two girls having the exact same colors in their outfits reads a little odd to me. They compete for attention on the page and confuse the eye a bit especially where you've just swapped the green and blue on the tights.
I can definitely see that you've done this traditionally and then patched things together digitally, and while I do think there's a way to do that in a way that is seamless, I don't think you're quite there yet. For example in this image there are some issues with edge control and tangents:

The skate meeting the grass almost exactly on it's point is a distracting tangent.
I'd also like to see you ground these characters a bit more. Right now they are just sort of floating. Maybe try adding a shadow.
Another thing that I find a bit confusing is the light colored vegetation in the front, which gives me the idea that we are in a tropical place with flowers and palm-like plants, but then we are suddenly ice skating on a frozen river. The two of them cause confusion rather than clarity.
If I were you here's what I'd do:
Ask myself: what am I trying to achieve with this image?
What is the story I'm trying to tell?
Where is it set? What time of day is it (there's some confusing things happening with the lighting as well)?
Am I confined to a color palette? Why am I choosing these colors? How can color work to help me tell the story and this scene?
What's happening in this scene? The front girl is falling but the one behind her is skating smoothly, which doesn't quite track... usually if the person in front of you is falling and you're holding their hand, they'll knock you off your balance too.
I'm sorry I know that's a lot to read, but I've made a lot of images which are more confusing than clear and I think it helps to have someone remind you the necessity of asking yourself these questions.
But keep going! Try reworking this and see what you can come up with!