Our SVS Virtual Studio February❤️2020
Just in case I run out of time to do traditional, I borrowed my husbands iPad and painted this digitally. Those max pack brushes are AMAZEBALLS!!!
I’m not done. Just wanted to share my progress.
More work on my wizard themed lamp for props class. No cord because it runs on magic. Once a little unwitting muggle tried dropping a battery in and was unfortunately transformed into a floating gourd. Parents understandably flipped out and the ministry of magic had to be brought in to restore the little muggle and wipe everyone’s memories.
Onto the prop ensemble part of the course now and hopefully I’ll get to the vehicle design course by the weekend!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz said in Our SVS Virtual Studio February
hahahaha I agree. Cats are evil alright.
So, SO evil
Done. Or at least super close to done. I may put paddy little footprints leading from the cat's butt to the mouse
Subsurface scattering stoody.
Tried to keep this spot a little looser. I can get a little carried away during the clean up phase
@Katie-Kordesh I always have a hard time staying loose. it's so hard!
Nessy moved out of the lake a LONG time ago.
On a scale from one to crazy how much do you love wonky houses?
This is a master study of a “house” painted by James C. Christensen. Another homework assignment for the @svslearn Creative Environment Design class.
Make a study of a building design from a favorite artist.
... I guess I should put this is my environment design post. Lol. -
@burvantill said in Our SVS Virtual Studio February
On a scale from one to crazy how much do you love wonky houses
Wonky house is best house
Multiple light source study. It's really hard to find good pictures of multiple light sources acting on a single figure (t least for me). But theatre sets LOVE lights. All the lights. SO MANY LIGHTS. Wash, fill, key, back, blah blah blah. I didn't understand when I was working as a theatre grip and I don't understand it now
I love this. I first thought of my story about the fish and burning house story, I’d use similar colours like you’ve done here.
@Heather-Boyd Yet another reason to study theatre lighting. Their colour choices in general are also bang on
@Braden-Hallett It is really good idea to study light this way. Theater sets of course.
@xin-li Not so great for natural light. But awesome for artificially lit scenarios (and knowing kinda where the lights are)
I’m getting closer to one style I like with the addition of the pencil on top. I’m heading back to my astronaut character concept so I’d like to slide the character in for nightfall. It will be more simple so I can progress through this application process.
I find I like the line work and set up of how story is told in comic form but find the applying colour hard and cold, so I like to play with watercolour, gouache, pencil, pencil crayon, pencil pastels mix to create a softer approach. So I’m excited. Tomorrow I will post my character concepts. I will need to later refresh myself of objects in perspective class which I never took.
@Heather-Boyd really beautiful!
Thank you
I'm gonna move the paintbrush to the kid's hand and put some paint on his shirt. Better story that way