Kiddo Green and the Three Pearls
@burvantill Aww 🥲
Yes! Coco, the comfort animal, would LOVE a biscuit, thank you very much. I hope that you are enjoying this little quiet time, meeting my characters, because things are going to get a little rough for these people, from here on out.
[as I dry wash my hands with an evil chuckle] =)x -
@burvantill I love Scotties too
They have a wonderful stocky don't mess with me vibe, but can also sit and eat tea and biscuits with you without looking like woosies.
I'm really excited for you, and so grateful you shared! I know it can be nerve-wracking, but you have some great work here! Excited to see it unfold!
Also, I got a bit emotional reading your post because one of my most favorite memories is designing a mini graphic novel in college for a course I took. I wasn't confident in my drawing skills, and didn't know Photoshop, so I wrote and directed it, and told my partner what to draw, and it came out just as I had envisioned. It's a really exciting thing to create something like this, to tell a story, and your sharing reminds me of that. Thank you!
Keep on creating!!
@dainabailey Thankyou. =)x
Just stop talking! Kiddo does not want to hear what Dad has to say. If you have any stubborn people in your life, then you know they get downright immovable when they are hurting. What if two stubborn people are hurting at the same time? Not good. -
To anyone who is interested, if you go to my website and go to the "Join the Adventure" widget, you can enter your email and I will deliver these comic updates, right to your inbox, so you don't miss anything. Or you can click here, to take you right to it.
Thanx for reading so far! There are more exciting pages to come.
=)x -
Kiddo Green - Three Pearls: Pg11 SLAM!
Has anyone ever told you that you can drown in an inch of water? I realize that it is possible, especially for littles, but as a kid who swam ALL THE TIME, I thought Gramma was being a tad dramatic. As a grown up and a mother, I know now that she just really loved us littles.
=)x -
Sometimes, a hug from the dog and a deep breath, helps to put things into perspective. Wise words from a friend help, too.
@burvantill love the perspective of the house at the beginning. Colors are great along with character consistency. Good job!
@Meg-Clayburn Thank you!
Dun dun DUN! Hee hee. Aren't cliffhangers just the worst?
Hey! Heads up. If anyone is still following this thread, [hope hope] I am condensing my posting routine and will not be posting the weekly updates to SVS forum anymore. BUT you can still view them on my website, on my Substack, or if you would like to get them delivered right to your in box, I can do that for you if you Join the Adventure. Hope to see you there. =)x