@LisaF I did get the emails but was unable to attend because of a prior commitment. But please communicate my hope to the SVS team that the replay is made available to subscribers - it's just not always possible to attend live.
@lisaF I am echoing @Amber-Lynn-Benton, as much as I want to be there live, it is hard schdule wise due to living in different time zone and having a small kid home. Would be very happy if the recording is made available to subscribers.
@Lee-White I hope we get to watch the recording. I was at the doctors with my son. I was able to see a few snippets while waiting but missed most of it. I did see the winners. Congrats to them! They did a great job!
congrats to the winners!! Well deserved. Looking forward to June's contest announcement. Hopefully they will put recording in videos for subscribers who missed it.
We'd still attend live sessions if we can get times to work -
@MissMushy , do you know how many honorable mentions were criqued? I saw 2 by the time I logged on, so maybe I did see the whole thing.
Who were the winners and honorable mentions?
@Chip-Valecek I hope I did it right and can post it here
Winners: Cory Shaw & Pam Fraley
Runners: Nadja Bonten Slenders and Darian Pereira
Honorable mentions: Laura Balmaceda, Lisa Rush, Marek Halko, Braden Hallett, Corey Johnston, Norman Morana, LisaMgriffin -
@MichaelaH Right at the moment Tom Bancroft (!!!!) started critiquing my work, my appointment started and I had to sign off
I didn’t get the email either. New ideas rarely survive the first attempt. Hopefully next month the problems will be fewer. I would be interested to know how many people actually joined the live event.
I haven’t been able to log in the the forums for a few days due to a family emergency. But, SVS told me “congrats” on Instagram today? What am I missing? I didn’t see an announcement and I haven’t gotten any emails...
You are one of the winners!!!
Nicely done -
Is there a way to watch the crits if we weren't able to log onto the live event?
@SusanMiller unfortunately I wasn’t able to watch continually. Had to step away for other things during the hour. Hoping they will post video.
@Heather-Boyd thank you! Hopefully they will post the video!
I couldn't attend either. I was at work. And when I got home I had missed the first 45 minutes. I wanted to watch the last bit live, but the link didn't work for me either unfortunately. I hope a recording will be made available. Even if I didn't join in the competition, I would really like to see who won and why.
I never got a link for the live event. I asked for it once, but when I still didn’t get one I thought I’d just see the recording afterwards... So now I really hope it will be made available as a video.
The possibility of attending classes and discussing with classmates whenever you have the time, and wherever you live in the world, is one of the very best things about SVS
Congrats to the winners!
I couldn't attend the live crits either but I'd love to watch it if there's a possibility to get a link to the recording. Any new infos on that? -
I would like to confirm that I didn't receive the email as well. I did check the spam/junk folder as well
Nonetheless, you are doing a great job @LisaF !
maybe the link for the recording can be made available for a short time after if it's not part of the svs classes. Tho I think it would be another fun addition the classes like the one Lee did for April . I think everyone who can show up for the live event still will. Timing worked out for me yesterday so I was able to watch and it was fun
@lmrush I checked my email, I didn't receive notification or a link, I will check and make sure mine aren't going to spam